Hearing His Voice above the Noise
March 2022

Area Leadership Message

Hearing His Voice above the Noise

Over the years, our well-intentioned and resolute determination to read The Book of Mormon from cover to cover is probably a familiar experience most can appreciate. Trying again and starting over has afforded us a closer acquaintance and familiarity with Nephi and his family. By the eighth chapter of Nephi, we have discovered the varied character traits and personalities of each family member. A righteous father and mother are described as goodly parents,1 with their children required to navigate life experiences, when seeming disruption invades their youthful lives. We learn how the children’s choices are comparatively dissimilar, as they viewed each event from their own perspectives.

This account is more than a story or a journal entry written by a son regarding his parents and siblings. Lehi and Nephi were both prophets. Our learning and enlightenment of scriptural events increases when we receive a spiritual witness of its heavenly source and of the revelatory process of its procurement for our day. Our reading becomes so much more than a storyline of events and characters. We can feel and hear God’s voice through the descriptive writings of these ancient prophets.

Nephi’s faithful resolve to go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded2 has emboldened us to develop our trust and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. In the prominent account of Lehi’s dream, Lehi sees himself in front of the tree of life. The fruit it bears is also a representation of the love of God.3 After partaking of the fruit, Lehi describes it as filling his soul with exceedingly great joy and he knew that it was desirable above all.4

At times, our lives may feel chaotic, uncertain or even draped with despair. Through the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, hope is ever more accessible. Elder David A. Bednar said, “partaking of the fruit of the tree represents the receiving of ordinances and covenants whereby the Atonement can become fully efficacious in our lives. The fruit is described as ‘desirable to make one happy’ and produces great joy and the desire to share that joy with others.”5

The dream is suffused with symbolism and provides an elevated impact of comparison for our lives. All who travel along the path are aided by the iron rod, which is a representation of the word of God6. Safety is not found by merely being close to the iron rod but holding it firmly will provide strengthened support and stability. Lehi’s family is representative of all of God’s children who traverse this mortal journey. Whether young or old, married or single, holding true to God’s word provides us with safety and a reassurance that all will be well, irrespective of the road bumps we may encounter ahead.

I’m sure we are familiar with the story of Lehi’s dream or another scriptural event. As we prayerfully delve into studying the scriptures, the Holy Spirit can provide personal insight specific for our learning and comprehension. After experiencing the love of God, Lehi’s immediate response was to find his family and invite them to enjoy his experience for themselves.7 Our eternal family’s well-being should be at the forefront of our priorities. Unsure of which way they should go, Lehi beckons to them in a loud voice to provide guidance.8 Loudness is not normally associated with a father’s voice or even that of a prophet. However, Lehi’s voice needed to be heard above the worldly inhabitants of the great and spacious building that filled the air with misleading tones of enticements. As we echo the voices and messages of our latter-day prophets, our homes become centres of gospel learning and the influence of the adversary will decrease.9

Today, President Russell M. Nelson carries that same authorised voice. As did Lehi, he exhorts us with all the feeling of a tender parent10 to hearken unto the voice of the Lord.11 President Nelson said, “The doctrine of Christ helps us find and stay on the covenant path. Staying on that narrow but well-defined path will ultimately qualify us to receive all that God has. Nothing could be worth more than all our Father has!”12

As we prepare for next month’s general conference, the voices of our prophets will speak loudly and clearly. Their voices will not be measured in decibels, so filtering out the ostensible noise is best achieved by giving way to the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.13 The First Presidency, the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, General Authorities and General Officers of the Church, will beckon to us as families and individuals, to come and feast upon the words of Christ.14 Talking, rejoicing and preaching of Christ,15 will help us to experience that exceedingly great joy16 that comes from and because of Him. For He is the source of all joy.17
