Seeing the Long-Awaited Blessings of the Temple
July 2022

“Seeing the Long-Awaited Blessings of the Temple,” Liahona, July 2022.

Seeing the Long-Awaited Blessings of the Temple

Members around the world share the blessings they’ve seen as temples have become available in their areas.

Brigham City Utah Temple

Photograph of Brigham City Utah Temple

Temples are the most sacred places of worship on earth. There, members of the Church come closer to God as they participate in essential ordinances and make covenants for themselves and for their kindred dead. It is the house of the Lord, and peace, comfort, and revelation can flow to those who enter there.

Yet, as the restored Church of Jesus Christ has spread to the farthest corners of the earth, getting to the temple has been a challenge for many. And in recent years, access to temples has been limited for many because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the same general conference in which he was sustained as President of the Church, President Russell M. Nelson said, “We want to bring temples closer to the expanding membership of the Church” (“Let Us All Press On,” Liahona, May 2018, 119).

Since then, with every general conference, members of the Church anticipate the announcement of new temples across the world, marveling at this marker of accelerated growth and hoping that a temple will be announced closer to their homes.

Brussels Belgium Temple

Announced April 2021

Johan and Linda Buysse

It was a complete surprise when we heard President Nelson announce that there will be a temple in Brussels, Belgium. My wife and I presided over the Belgium/Netherlands Mission, and we often work in The Hague Netherlands Temple, which is two hours from our home in Belgium. Now we will only have to ride one hour or maybe even less to go to the temple in Brussels.

Upon hearing the announcement, tears rolled from our eyes because of the deep gratitude we felt. Our family and our stake members have developed a growing sense of consecration and love toward the temple just from the announcement alone. This temple announcement testifies to us that the Lord knows our little country and is aware of the work and sacrifices of the early and current pioneers in this area.

Johan Buysse and Linda Buysse-Vergauwen, St Niklaas Ward, Antwerp Belgium Stake

Antofagasta Chile Temple

Groundbreaking November 2020

Claudio González

It is exciting to see how the Savior is accelerating His work in the hearts and minds of the Latter-day Saints. We want to be prepared in all aspects so we can do what the Lord requires of us when the Antofagasta Chile Temple is dedicated and operational.

Our children and young people inspire us with their enthusiasm and joy to serve in the temple. They already imagine themselves going. They are learning what the gathering of Israel means, that they are an essential part of this gathering, and how important it will be to have a house of the Lord so close to their own homes.

Antofagasta Chile Temple rendering

Antofagasta Chile Temple rendering

Many Saints in northern Chile are putting their lives in order, understanding that the Redeemer will be waiting for them with open arms in His holy house. They want to be part of the great blessing of having a temple in Antofagasta. Together with my wife, Patyta, we are also preparing so that the Lord can count on us to serve in this cause of gathering that we love so much.

Claudio González, Angamos Ward, Antofagasta Chile Stake

Singapore Republic of Singapore Temple

Announced April 2021

Richard Kok Leong Ho and Chan Min Lian

December 2018 was the last time that we were able to visit the Taipei Taiwan Temple as a family before the COVID-19 pandemic put a restriction on travel and led to a closure of temples. We look forward with great anticipation to be able to return soon to worship in the house of the Lord.

When a temple was announced in Singapore, all of us were very excited. Heavenly Father is aware of the Saints in Malaysia. For many years, the Saints in the Kuala Lumpur District have been trying to work toward becoming a stake. Many times, this goal seemed quite far away, but we never stopped talking about becoming a stake. The announcement of a temple in Singapore shows us that the Lord recognizes the efforts of the Malaysian Saints.

Richard Kok Leong Ho and Chan Min Lian, Petaling Jaya Branch, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia District

Durban South Africa Temple

Dedicated February 2020

Mandy Swinburne and daughter

We have a beautiful new temple in Durban, South Africa, giving us the opportunity to “stand in holy places, and … not be moved” (Doctrine and Covenants 45:32). There, we can take time away from the struggles and noise of the world to listen and hear the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit.

Durban South Africa Temple

Durban South Africa Temple

The temple is a place where we can regularly add drops of oil to our lamps that they may shine brighter, allowing us to be more prepared for the day of the Lord.

Mandy Swinburne (pictured with her daughter), Hillcrest Ward, Hillcrest South Africa Stake

Port Vila Vanuatu Temple

Announced October 2020

Yvon and Madeline Basil

As a stake president, I was completely overwhelmed when President Russell M. Nelson announced the temple. I felt peace, joy, and hope for my family, friends, and fellow stake members, as well as the many others who can also receive blessings from having a house of the Lord in our island region.

With the news of the temple in our shores, we are experiencing changes of heart. Members are striving to keep the commandments and meeting with Church leaders regularly to prepare themselves for temple ordinances and blessings. More members are committing themselves to family history work.

It is truly a blessing not only for the Church members but for the entire country.

Yvon Basil, Port Vila 2nd Ward, Port Vila Vanuatu Stake

Mesa Arizona Temple

Rededicated December 2021

Anaclea Whiting

Walking into the Mesa Arizona Temple again after extended renovations was a moment I will not soon forget. The open house reminded me that being in the temple is a delight. Life comes into focus a little clearer; the stress and pressures weighing on me are eased for a moment. It allows me to take a quiet reprieve to feel the peace and perspective our Father in Heaven offers.

With five daughters, I feel a sense of urgency to teach them about the rest that can be found through faithful temple service. Taking them into this sacred place during the open house gave them an opportunity to catch a glimpse of what the temple holds for them. It spurred many meaningful conversations about preparing to enter the temple, temple recommends, standards, faith, family history work, covenants, ordinances, kindness, revelation, and so on.

Our lives have been blessed and our testimonies strengthened from the opportunity to enter the house of the Lord. Once times were available, I eagerly logged on to schedule my first appointment after the dedication. With my ancestors’ names in hand, I’m ready!

Anaclea Whiting, Lindsay Ward, Mesa Arizona Hermosa Vista Stake

Campinas Brazil Temple

Dedicated May 2002

Isabel Bueno de Almeida and husband

We are very happy with the reopening of the Campinas temple, which was closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The temple was reopened just in time for us to celebrate our 20th anniversary. We loved this special gift from the Lord.

Campinas Brazil Temple

Campinas Brazil Temple

I testify that the temple is the house of the Lord—a place filled with love, miracles, peace, and healing. God is literally our Heavenly Father and awaits us with joy in His holy house so that we can feel His presence and gain strength to overcome the world.

Isabel Bueno de Almeida, Sumaré Ward, Sumaré Brazil Stake
