Have the Courage to Reach Out
July 2022

“Have the Courage to Reach Out,” Liahona, July 2022.

Ministering Principles

Have the Courage to Reach Out

God will use us to make a difference if we will overcome fear.

two men talking and smiling

As believers, we have great need for courage in these times, even in our experiences with ministering. John (names have been changed) was assigned to minister to Peter, a member who had never attended ward meetings. John was apprehensive about approaching Peter, since he hadn’t met him and didn’t know his story. But remembering the counsel to “love, share, and invite,” John prayed for guidance and then set out to first become sincere friends with Peter. He spent time getting to know Peter, with frequent visits, phone calls, and an occasional outing for breakfast. John grew to know Peter well, and Peter gained trust in their friendship. When he needed help, it was natural for him to reach out to John, who gladly responded.

One day, John felt impressed that perhaps Peter was ready for an invitation to come back to church. During one of their visits, he brought up the idea in a natural way. Peter paused. “I haven’t been to church in 17 years,” he said. “But you know, I think I will.” When Peter arrived at the ward, John was there to welcome him and sit with him. John felt grateful he was able to get over his initial fear. Through these efforts, both men gained a true friendship that blessed their lives.

Fresh Courage Take

Esther before the king

Esther before the King, by Minerva Teichert

The Old Testament story of Esther (see Esther 1–10) teaches many principles but is perhaps best known as a story of courage. Esther was a very young Jewish woman when she was selected as queen and showed great courage when she risked her life to save her people.

Through deception, the king had been tricked into giving a decree that all Jews of the kingdom should be slain. Esther thought of a plan that required great faith and might be the only chance to change the king’s mind.

In the tradition of her culture, to approach the king without being invited could result in a death sentence. But she bravely went forward with her plan and asked her people to fast with her (see Esther 4:16). Through her courageous actions and the actions of others, she was able to convince the king to alter his decree. The prayers of Esther and her people were answered.

We can look up to Esther as an example of courage, even in ministering, as we set aside our fears to get to know someone and help them in their challenges.

Principles to Consider

What can we do if we find ourselves outside our comfort zone when ministering?

  • John prayed for God’s guidance. With God’s help, we can overcome fear (see Psalm 34:4).

  • We might also pray to feel the Lord’s love for others. “Perfect love casteth out fear” (1 John 4:18).

  • Like Esther, we can employ fasting and prayer to strengthen our faith to act (see Esther 4:3).

  • We can trust that there is power in keeping our covenants (see Doctrine and Covenants 110:9). Living our covenants enables us to receive His help.

  • We can strengthen our faith by fasting and taking to heart the Lord’s promises to us. Consider the promises in these verses: Deuteronomy 31:6; Isaiah 41:10; 2 Timothy 1:7; Doctrine and Covenants 6:33.

What Can We Do?

Have the courage to reach out. Whether it is to get to know someone or to invite them to do something that could bless their lives, God will help you.
