Joy in the Gospel
January 2023

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Joy in the Gospel

“I am now a complete man. I have an eternal family!” exclaimed Brother Vincent Quashigah. “There are no words to explain the joy that I feel,” added Sister Esinam Quashigah. It was Aug. 25, 2022, and they had just exited the temple, where the two of them had been endowed and sealed with their children as an eternal family.

Brother Quashigah joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on June 15, 2021, with Sister Quashigah and their four oldest children joining him in baptism two months later. They then patiently waited the required 12 months of church membership until they could travel to the Accra Ghana Temple for their temple work and sealing. However, they did not stand idly by during that time. Shortly after his baptism, Brother Quashigah was called as the first counselor in the elders quorum presidency. Three months later, he was called as the Aflao Branch president. Sister Quashigah served as a counselor in the Young Women’s presidency.

Now, after a beautiful experience in the temple, President Quashigah was grateful that he could finally testify to his branch members of the amazing blessings of temple ordinances and covenants.

Sister Quashigah was the first member of the family to be introduced to the Church by young elders who stopped by her sewing shop and gave her a Book of Mormon. She took the book home and showed it to Brother Quashigah, who after becoming disillusioned with churches in general, expressed his lack of interest.

Esinam set the book aside, not wanting to push the matter further. She and the children had been attending a Christian church, but Vincent was not attending. He had visited many congregations over several years but was dissatisfied with the teachings and atmosphere he found there, so he made the decision to quit going to church. He was especially discouraged with the lack of scripture-supported doctrine in the sermons he heard. The Spirit was absent, and he felt nothing when he attended other churches. Esinam faithfully took the children to the church that she had chosen to attend, but she prayed for the day when the family could “get in the truck and go to church together”. She didn’t care which church it was, as long as they all went together. She decided to be patient and keep praying.

The day that changed everything for the Quashigah family was the day that Vincent attended a funeral in Kpong for a relative. The funeral was held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Vincent was not familiar with the Church and did not recognize it as the same church that Esinam’s Book of Mormon had come from. However, he was deeply impressed with the dignity, peace, and simplicity of the funeral service, and he promised himself that he would find out more.

The following week he searched online for anything he could learn about the Church. His search was directed by the Spirit, and he felt a peaceful satisfaction as he learned exciting teachings and principles. He felt the Spirit bear witness to him of these things, found the location of the nearest chapel, and attended church meetings the first Sunday following the funeral. After asking for membership, he met with the full-time missionaries (Elders Tameklo and Ntambwe) and was baptized three weeks later. His family attended the baptism and Sabbath meetings the following day.

Brother Quashigah subsequently received the priesthood and was able to baptize Sister Quashigah and the eligible children after they had met with the missionaries. Sister Quashigah is quick to point out, with a smile, that the family became members of the same church that she attempted to introduce to them when she was given that first Book of Mormon several months earlier.

President Quashigah is grateful for the very practical truths that he continues to learn daily as a member of the Savior’s true Church. He remembers the very first time he attended Sunday meetings in the Aflao Branch. The lesson topic for the second hour was forgiveness. A principle that he was struggling with. After the lesson, he understood what he needed to change in his life to be able to forgive unconditionally. He testifies that the principles and doctrines of the Church continue to help him in all aspects of his life.

Sister Quashigah remembers hearing for the first time the Primary song, “I Know My Father Lives”. She felt empowered by the words “He sent me here to earth, by faith to live his plan. The Spirit whispers this to me and tells me that I can.”1

When she is faced with a difficult task, she has learned that the Savior will give her the power and strength that she needs, and the Spirit will guide her steps. Upon receiving her first Come Follow Me book, Sister Quashigah was devastated that she could not read it, but through the gospel literacy program, she has learned to read and can now explain the doctrines and principles of the gospel to her family and friends.

With thoughts of serving as a new branch president after only three months of membership, President Quashigah recalls that he was almost overcome with fear and feelings of inadequacy, but he knew that faith could replace fear. He was confident that the Savior would help him carry the burden and that God would qualify him for the responsibility of leading his newly found branch. His testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ was undeniable. He had to accept the call.

Through her temple experience, Sister Quashigah has found a new boldness in sharing the gospel with friends and family. She feels the promptings of the Spirit and hears the still, small voice testify to her of the doctrines of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She recalls that before the Church came into their lives, she would weep often because of her desire for a united family. The day after President Quashigah was baptized was one of the happiest days of her life, as they all got into the truck and went to church together.

Because of the Church, the Quashigah’s report that their lives and family have undergone dramatic changes. President Quashigah has a construction business, but he tries to only take jobs that will allow him to be available to serve the members of his branch and be in branch meetings on Sundays. Sister Quashigah has adjusted her work schedule in the sewing shop to allow her to be home on Saturdays to prepare the family for the Sabbath. They have family home evening and study the scriptures and Come Follow Me together. The family has learned that the Lord’s work is a work of order. They are trying to have that same order in their home and with their family.

President and Sister Quashigah agree that the most important gifts they have ever given their children are the ordinances and covenants of the temple that bind them as an eternal family and allow them to feel daily joy in the gospel.


  1. “I Know My Father Lives,” Children’s Songbook, 5.
