He Patiently Waits
June 2023

Member Voices

He Patiently Waits

My name is Olga Lidia Ortiz Castro, I attend the Los Llanos Branch, San Pedro De Macorís District, Dominican Republic. I am the mother of three sons and one daughter.

Marcia, my sister, introduced me to the Church at the same time she was being taught by the missionaries. I declined to be baptized with her, but regardless she would pick up my four children for Church each Sunday. One day, I decided to accompany them.

The elders visited my house often, in fact, whenever I saw them, I would always invite them over, but I could never bring myself to invite them into my home. I kept attending Church and actively participated in activities, and even joined my children in their seminary classes. I was thought to have been a member, but not yet.

One day I told a co-worker about the Church; he asked me if I was already a member of the Church and I said “yes”. He listened to the discussions with the elders and was baptized before me.

My three sons were baptized at the same time and eventually my daughter joined them. I still was not baptized but I continued to support them by attending Church each week. When my two oldest sons stopped attending Church, I encouraged them to return.

I recall an evening when the family was all at home and we received a request from the missionaries for a visit, but I told them that we weren’t home. Then the elders informed me that they were in front of our home with the mission president. I hung up and immediately opened the door. They taught us about the blessings that await us, how we can face the difficulties in our lives, and that families can be eternal.

Fourteen years came and went with my same activity in the Church and still no baptism. One particular night, I had a dream in which I could not hide from a young man in a white shirt, with a badge and his scriptures. The next morning in seminary, the classroom discussion revealed my dream’s meaning. The students were asked, “If Jesus Christ came today looking to receive all those who opened their hearts to Him and had decided to accept Him as their Savior, would you be able to go with Him?” I shared my dream with them, and they told me, “The Lord wants you to make the decision to be baptized.”

That afternoon, I called the elders to tell them my experience and that I was ready to be baptized. The branch president, mission president, and the elders were super excited about the guidance the Lord was giving me.

My baptism was performed in the Los Llanos Branch, by my son. I was super excited that his first baptism before leaving for his mission was mine.

I know that this gospel can bless those who receive it. I know that no matter how long you take to be baptized, the Lord will always be waiting for you with open arms. I love this gospel, my family and all who have supported me.

I know Heavenly Father’s plan is to have eternal families.
