The British Pageant- A Community of Faith and Love
June 2023

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The British Pageant— A Community of Faith and Love

“My summer is going to be pageant, pageant, pageant!” says Lizzie McColgan with a smile. Being in the 2023 British Pageant is something that Lizzie has been looking forward to for a long time.

“I was part of the pageant choir in 2013 after someone in my institute class suggested that I might enjoy it. That was the first time there had been a UK pageant and I didn’t know anything about it, it was all new. Being in the choir was great, but I watched the cast members and yearned to be singing and dancing with them.

“Although the pageant was cancelled last year, we still had auditions and a workshop. I loved being part of the community of the pageant, it really felt as if we were one big family sharing love and faith. Living on the temple grounds was fantastic and I felt the Spirit very strongly. We camped on a site nearby, until one night we got flooded out and were blessed when local members asked us to come and stay with them.

“The directors are amazing; it’s not all about speaking with the perfect accent, flawless singing, absolutely perfect dancing—although it is all very professional—it’s more about the feeling. The people whom we depict in the pageant story knew what they were doing. The miracle was that ordinary people were transformed into a supportive community of faith and love, and that is what has been reproduced as the cast members come together to depict this awe-inspiring story. We too are ordinary people meeting together, often as strangers in the beginning, and creating a community of faith and trust.”

Lizzie will play the part of Sarah Ashton, the eldest daughter of the main character, Arthur Ashton. In the story he loses his wife, and the pageant tells of his journey of doubt, belief and faith. Lizzie explains that like many people, she has experienced grief in her family, but has been uplifted by focusing on the promises of the temple, finding comfort in the knowledge that families can be together forever, which Lizzie calls the linchpin of her faith.

“The story is about the hope that the temple gives, and it is wonderful to be a part of this special event; I can’t wait!”

The British Pageant 2023 will be performed on the grounds of the Preston, England Temple. Performances run from the 2nd-5th and 8th-12th of August, with matinees on the 5th, 11th and 12th. Visit britishpageant.co.uk to book tickets and for more info.
