Seeking the Gift of Tongues
June 2023

“Seeking the Gift of Tongues,” Liahona, June 2023.

Latter-day Saint Voices

Seeking the Gift of Tongues

I worked hard during my mission to learn English, but the gift of tongues did not come right away.

world globe with words in English and French

When I opened my mission call, I was excited that I was going to the Ghana Accra Mission. I would be serving the Lord by teaching the gospel in English. I am from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, so my native language is French.

When I arrived in the mission field, I could greet people in English but not say much else. I knew that was not enough for me to fulfill my duty as a missionary.

I thought of the Prophet Joseph Smith, who translated the Book of Mormon “by the gift and power of God.”1 I also thought of the Apostle Paul’s teachings about “diversities of gifts,” including “divers kinds of tongues” and “the interpretation of tongues” (1 Corinthians 12:4, 10; see also Mormon 9:7, 24).

A motivational feeling came over me that made me feel that I could seek the gift of tongues and receive it. To receive that gift, I decided to set several daily goals:

  • Pray for the gift of tongues.

  • Diligently study the scriptures and gospel doctrine and principles.

  • Seek guidance from the Spirit.

  • Listen to general conference talks in English.

  • Study English grammar and key missionary vocabulary.

  • Always speak English.

  • Sing hymns in English.

I worked hard on my goals. The gift of tongues, however, did not come right away. But after a few months, while my companion and I were teaching one of our friends, I felt confident in the words I spoke. Our first meeting with our friend had been challenging. I hadn’t felt any confidence in my ability to speak English, but this day our friend acted surprised.

“Elder Lono, where are you from?” he asked me

“I am from DR Congo,” I replied.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

“Yes!” I replied.

I hadn’t realized it, but I had become fluent enough in English that our friend thought it was my native language. I am grateful that the Lord blessed me with the gift of tongues so that I could speak English well.

I know that God loves His children and will bless us with gifts of the Spirit as we seek them diligently with faith in Jesus Christ.
