Our Personal Journey toward God
August 2023

“Our Personal Journey toward God,” Liahona, Aug. 2023.

For Parents

Our Personal Journey toward God

little boy reaching out to his mother as other family memebers walk ahead

Dear Parents,

Our journey to perfection, as seen in this month’s issue, is traveled by having faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, repenting, making and keeping sacred covenants, and seeking God’s direction in our lives.

Gospel Discussions

Our Quest to Come unto Christ

Ask your children what it means to go on a quest. Share some teachings from Elder Neil L. Andersen’s article on page 4 about our quest to come unto Christ. What tools strengthen us in this journey?

Encouraging Christlike Development

Discuss with your children what long-term goals they have, like a career, mission, or temple marriage. Read ideas on pages 14–17. Together, you could plan some activities that can help your children reach their goals.

Minimizing Exposure to Inappropriate Material

Using the article on page 8, talk about the hope that one can repent if one struggles with pornography use. Make a family plan to minimize potential exposure to inappropriate material in media such as television and the internet.
