How Can the Savior Deliver Me from Trials?
August 2023

“How Can the Savior Deliver Me from Trials?” Liahona, Aug. 2023.

Come, Follow Me

Acts 22–28

How Can the Savior Deliver Me from Trials?

Paul shaking off a viper into a fire

Paul and the Viper, © Classic Bible Art Collection / licensed from GoodSalt.com

While Paul laid sticks on a fire, “there came a viper out of the heat, and fastened on his hand” (Acts 28:3). But he “shook off the beast into the fire, and felt no harm” (verse 5). We all face challenges, temptations, and weaknesses in mortality, and like Paul, with faith in Jesus Christ and by obedience to His commandments, we can “shake off” our trials and find relief by trusting in God’s power to deliver us.

How Can I Overcome …


“Faith in the Redeemer is a principle of action and of power. As we act in accordance with the truths of His gospel, we are blessed with the spiritual capacity to press forward through the challenges of mortality while focusing on the joys the Savior offers to us.”1


“When the storms in life come, you can be steady because you are standing on the rock of your faith in Jesus Christ. That faith will lead you to daily repentance and consistent covenant keeping. Then you will always remember Him. And through the storms of hatred and wickedness, you will feel steady and hopeful.”2


Keeping our covenants allows the Savior’s power to cleanse us as we learn through experience—whether it is a minor misjudgment or a major failing. Our Redeemer is there to catch us when we fall if we turn to Him.”3
