Waves of Righteous Energy
August 2023

Member Voices

Waves of Righteous Energy

At any time at the edge of the waters that surround us here in the Caribbean, one may question, why do the waves continue to return? Waves are energy passing through the water, causing it to move in a circular motion. When a wave encounters a surface object, the object appears to lurch forward and upward with the wave, but then drops down and back in an orbital rotation, then the wave continues.

We could apply this lesson of nature in our own lives. Our daily actions are the energy that moves the world, and when those actions are of a righteous nature, the results are even better. Like waves, one positive action impacts another and blessings are delivered repeatedly.

Elder Darrell and Sister Maylene Call from Texas are serving as humanitarian missionaries in the Dominican Republic. Unbeknownst to them, they were a part of one of those waves of righteous energy. Elder Call needed a root canal and was directed to the G3 Foundation for the procedure. This foundation is also a form of that positive energy and was established in 2004 by Dr. Len Aste and Dr. Ganon Rowan with the purpose of bringing dental students to the Dominican Republic to provide much needed dental care to those in need.

Brother Call’s appointment was scheduled with the foundation for a month later. A couple of weeks before the appointment they were given the assignment to help in the Church’s warehouse conducting an inventory of items being stored there. They discovered a surplus of items leftover from previous projects that, with approval, could be immediately distributed to those in need. Among these items were boxes of reading glasses and the Calls weren’t sure what they should do with them.

Surgery day for Elder Call finally arrived. While on site, Elder and Sister Call were given a tour of the services offered by the clinic, which not only included dental procedures such as cleanings, extractions, and fillings, but also included vision and medical care. It was a wonderful experience to see the nearly 60 volunteers giving of their time and talents. It was indeed one of those waves of energy to bless the people in the Dominican Republic.

During the tour of the G3 Foundation, Elder and Sister Call were introduced to those providing vision care and learned of the need for additional reading glasses. Sister Allison Mumford from Emmett, Idaho worked with the vison care services and helped fit reader glasses for those who needed them. She recalled, “We worked two long clinic days and distributed many more glasses than I expected. We ended up running out of supplies. Then, according to the Lord’s timing, the Calls visited again and offered us glasses from the Church warehouse. It was a direct blessing from a loving Heavenly Father, who knows today what our needs will be tomorrow.”

The Caribbean waves of righteous energy are going strong. Each one of us are a part of the wave that makes a powerful difference in our Area.
