Liken the Scriptures unto Yourself
August 2023

Member Voices

Liken the Scriptures unto Yourself

Joseph Smith’s brother Hyrum had a desire and passion to assist in the Restoration of the gospel and therefore spent much time in prayer with Joseph concerning that matter. In Doctrine and Covenants 11:1–6, the Lord sent them a revelation and Hyrum was encouraged by verse four, “Yea, whosoever will thrust in his sickle and reap, the same is called of God.” This was Hyrum’s call to be a part of establishing Zion here on earth.

We have been taught that the scriptures are to be likened to ourselves and like Hyrum, as we act, the Lord will be with us too. The following is a modern-day example of thrusting in your sickle and reaping.

Juan Rodríguez is from the La Romana Stake in the Dominican Republic. He was baptized at the age of 13 and promptly took the action part of the gospel seriously. He enthusiastically shared the gospel message with the people in Mexico on his mission in 2014 and when he returned home, his passion for the gospel increased. For reasons of employment, he moved to a small community near Punta Cana called Verón, and there he likened the revelation given to Hyrum to himself when he was called to be the branch president. Juan knew that he and his counselors were being called of God to establish the cause of Zion in his hometown.

Together in prayer, with others in the area, they brought the Church out of obscurity through connecting with the community’s needs. They created activities like, Night at the Movies for the young single adults and International Day of Our Heritage as the community bonded together over delicious food. The youth also connected with the community on the International Day of Service as they cleaned a public school or did fundraisers. Through these events, the community became interested in the Church and the missionaries were kept busy teaching lessons and challenging friends to be baptized.

All this time, the members were meeting in a rented building that increasingly became too small for their growing group of Saints. Juan and his counselors believed, “If you will ask of me you shall receive; if you will knock it shall be opened unto you” (Doctrine and Covenants 11:5). So, they went to their stake president and asked how they could build a meetinghouse. Leaving the meeting with the Church guidelines to receive a meetinghouse for their congregation, they were filled with the spirit knowing that “A great and marvelous work [was] about to come forth among the children of men” (Doctrine and Covenants 11:1). Through faith and effort, they would fulfill scripture right there in Verón.

During a period of four years, the branch became a ward, the guidelines were met, and in April of 2022, land was purchased, followed by the groundbreaking ceremony on Jan. 20, 2023. The meetinghouse is anticipated to be completed early in 2024 and will be a monument of faith and hard work.

While these events may seem unique, we should all remember that Hyrum Smith’s revelation is meant to encourage all of God’s children. It all starts with building a foundation on gospel principles.
