The Importance of God’s Temple in Your Life
September 2023

Area Presidency Message

The Importance of God’s Temple in Your Life

On Sunday, April 3, 1836—just under 200 years ago—following the dedication of the Kirtland Temple, the Prophet Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery were in the Kirtland Temple that had just been dedicated the week before.

As Joseph and Oliver were praying, a series of heavenly visitors came and bestowed counsel and authority to complete God’s mighty work in this final dispensation to help prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to rule and reign over the Earth.

The first visitor was Jesus Christ himself. After confirming who He was and His mission, He declared to Joseph and Oliver that their sins were forgiven, and that He accepted the Kirtland Temple that had just been constructed and dedicated. He declared that “my name shall be here; and I will manifest myself to my people in mercy in this house” (Doctrine and Covenants 110:7).

He further stated that He would appear (in the temple) to His servants and speak with them, and tens of thousands would rejoice because of the blessings of the temple. Finally, He promised that the fame of the temple would spread throughout the world and blessings would begin to be poured out upon the heads of His people.

Following the visit of Jesus Christ, Moses appeared and bestowed the authority and priesthood keys for the gathering of Israel. Then Elias appeared and committed the dispensation of the gospel of Abraham, promising that through us (members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), our seed and all generations after us should be blessed. Finally, the prophet Elijah appeared and bestowed the keys to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the children to the fathers.

These heavenly visitors came and transferred the proper authority so that God’s children could receive ongoing direction from Jesus Christ, and the tremendous work of gathering together God’s children on both sides of the veil could go forth. The authority given to Joseph Smith to complete this work continues today and has been conveyed to the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. President Russell M. Nelson currently holds and is authorized to exercise all priesthood keys that allow us to receive ordinances that are binding on Earth and in the heavens.

When we participate in temple ordinances ourselves, or help our departed ancestors receive temple ordinances vicariously, we open the heavens so that blessings can be poured out abundantly upon us. Today, more and more temples are covering the Earth.

President Russell M. Nelson encouraged us by saying: “It is significant that the Savior chose to appear to the people at the temple. It is His house. It is filled with His power. Let us never lose sight of what the Lord is doing for us now. He is making His temples more accessible. He is accelerating the pace at which we are building temples. He is increasing our ability to help gather Israel. He is also making it easier for each of us to become spiritually refined. I promise that increased time in the temple will bless your life in ways nothing else can. …

“My dear brothers and sisters, may you focus on the temple in ways you never have before.”1

What are you doing to focus on the temple as never before in your own life?

Every member 12 years old or older can hold a temple recommend. If you are not currently worthy to hold a recommend, please meet with your bishop/branch president to determine what you need to do to hold a recommend worthily.

If you have not yet been to the temple, and you hold a current temple recommend, meet with your bishop/branch president to prepare to attend the temple. If you live far from a temple currently and need help to cover the expense of travel to go to the temple, meet with your bishop/branch president to determine how you may benefit from the Temple Patron Assistance Fund. Travel expenses should not hold you back from attending the temple for your own temple ordinances.

When you do go to the temple for your own temple ordinances, you should also consider doing your family history and staying longer to perform vicarious ordinances for your deceased ancestors so that they also can receive their temple ordinances.

On April 3, 1836, Jesus Christ began pouring out blessings upon His people who attend the temple. Are you willing to let Him pour out more blessings upon you? If you do, take the steps to attend the temple as soon as possible.

I testify that as you prepare to worthily attend the temple and make sacred covenants there, and you keep those covenants, you will have greater peace in your life, greater spiritual power, and more blessings from heaven in your life.


  1. Russell M. Nelson, “Focus on the Temple,” Liahona, Nov. 2022, 121.
