The Relationship between the Home and the Church
September 2023

Handbook Highlight

The Relationship between the Home and the Church

The work of salvation and exaltation is centered in the home and supported by the Church. The following principles apply in the relationship between the home and the Church.

  • Leaders and teachers honor the role of parents and assist them. Leaders and teachers establish and maintain effective communication with parents.

  • Leaders seek to ensure that Church meetings, activities, and programs support individuals and families in doing the work of salvation and exaltation in their homes.

  • Some Church meetings are essential in each ward or branch. These include sacrament meeting and the classes and quorum meetings held on the Sabbath. Many other meetings, activities, and programs are not essential. Leaders organize them as needed to help meet the needs of individuals and families. Leaders take into account local circumstances and resources.

  • Individuals and families consider their circumstances when making decisions about participating in Church programs that are not essential.

  • Church service and participation entail a measure of sacrifice. The Lord will bless members as they serve and sacrifice in His Church. However, the amount of time given to Church service should not detract from members’ ability to fulfill their responsibilities at home, at work, and elsewhere. Leaders and members should not be overwhelmed with too many Church responsibilities. Nor should they be asked to make excessive sacrifices to support Church programs or activities.

As members follow these principles and the promptings of the Spirit, Heavenly Father will bless their efforts.

Source: General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2.3, Gospel Library.
