Faith Conquers Doubt: Embracing Marriage at a Young Age
December 2023

Member Voices

Faith Conquers Doubt: Embracing Marriage at a Young Age

When I returned home from serving in the Nigeria Enugu Mission in September 2021, it was a challenging time for me, especially to find a job. I applied to several places, but it seemed like opportunities were scarce. However, I kept trusting the Lord and fortunately for me, my patience paid off, and one day I received a call from an area I had been longing to work in. They offered me the job, and I felt a sense of relief and gratitude.

Meanwhile, my fiancée was also serving full-time in the Ghana Accra Mission and was getting closer to returning home. We had been planning our wedding, and even though my salary was modest, I did everything I could with the help of families to make it happen. I believed that by faithfully following the Lord’s commandments, blessings would come our way.

Oftentimes, my spouse and I faced questioning and skepticism about our decision to get married at a young age. Many people told us that we were too young and hadn’t experienced enough of life yet. Despite these doubts, we knew in our hearts that the Lord was guiding us and that our decision to marry was the right one.

It’s true that at 22 years old, we didn’t have all the material possessions or financial stability that some might consider prerequisites for marriage. However, we believed that self-reliance was an important quality to possess, and we had been working towards that. We understood that marriage is about more than just having a car, a house, or a successful business. It is about building a foundation of love, trust, and shared values.

All through, it wasn’t an easy task, especially balancing the financial challenges and the desire for a beautiful wedding. We had to make compromises and find creative solutions. But through it all, we held onto our faith and trusted that everything would work out in the end.

Looking back, I realize that those times of struggle and uncertainty were important lessons for us. They taught us the value of perseverance, resourcefulness, and relying on the Lord’s guidance. 

Thankfully, our wedding day arrived (March 15, 2023), and it was a joyous occasion filled with love and happiness. We felt truly blessed to begin our new life together, knowing that we had overcome obstacles and emerged stronger as a couple.

In addition to that, my wife, Pauline Faith Greene, and I were sealed in the Ghana Accra Temple on July 4, 2023. It was a sacred and joyous occasion that solidified our commitment to each other and to the Lord. We felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude knowing that our obedience to the Lord’s commandments had led us to this moment.

As we embarked on our journey as a married couple, we continued to rely on our faith and trust in the Lord. It wasn’t long after our wedding, in the month of March, that I received a promotion at my office. Along with the promotion came a salary increase, which brought a great sense of relief. Finally, I was able to provide for all my family’s needs, pay an honest tithe, and even extend a helping hand to others in need.

In the end, I learned that following the Lord’s commandments doesn’t guarantee a life free of challenges, but it does bring blessings and the strength to face them. It was a humbling experience that reminded me of the power of faith and the importance of trusting in divine providence.

Reflecting on this experience, I believe it is important to share it, especially with young adults and return missionaries who may feel overwhelmed or discouraged by their circumstances. It’s easy to think that our efforts are too small or that we are insignificant in the grand scheme of things. But my story serves as a reminder that obedience to the Lord’s commandments and unwavering faith can lead to blessings beyond our imagination.

I encourage young adults to stay faithful, work diligently, and trust in the Lord’s timing. Sometimes the road may seem difficult, and we may face setbacks and challenges along the way. But through it all, the Lord is aware of our efforts and will bless us according to His wisdom and plan.

So, to all those who feel they’re too small or insignificant, remember that your faith and obedience matter. Keep pressing forward, and trust that the Lord will open doors and provide opportunities for you. As you align your life with His commandments and allow His will to prevail, you will experience His blessings and find strength in the knowledge that you are never alone on this journey.

To my fellow returned missionaries, I urge you to carefully consider the right time for you to make this decision. It’s easy to get caught up in societal expectations or the belief that you need certain possessions or achievements before getting married. However, what truly matters is the connection you have with your partner and your shared vision for the future.

Marriage is a journey filled with challenges and blessings. It is a commitment to grow and support each other through thick and thin. While external factors can certainly influence the practical aspects of married life, they should not be the sole determining factors in your decision.

If you feel prompted by the Lord and have found a partner who shares your values and goals, do not hesitate to take the leap. Trust in His guidance and have faith that He will provide for you along the way. Remember, it is the strength of your relationship and your commitment to each other that will ultimately carry you through any obstacles you may face.

So, my advice is this: don’t wait for the perfect conditions or all the material possessions before considering marriage. Instead, focus on building a strong foundation of love, trust, and communication. Seek the Lord’s guidance, trust in His timing, and be willing to take the necessary steps towards creating a meaningful and fulfilling married life.
