Principles of Christlike Teaching
December 2023

Handbook Highlight—January 2024

Principles of Christlike Teaching

When teaching the gospel, parents, teachers, and leaders follow the example of Jesus Christ, who is the Master Teacher. Teaching in the Savior’s way is a sacred trust and responsibility.

17.1.1, Love Those You Teach

Everything the Savior does is an expression of His love (see 2 Nephi 26:24). Leaders and teachers follow His example by showing love for those they teach. They pray for those they teach by name, seek to connect with and understand them, and focus on individual needs. They reach out to members of their class or quorum who do not attend.

17.1.2, Teach by the Spirit

To inspire people to have faith in Jesus Christ, teachers must teach by the Spirit. Teachers seek the Spirit’s guidance as they prepare and teach, and they strive to live worthy of His influence each day.

17.1.3, Teach the Doctrine

The Savior taught His Father’s doctrine. Following the Savior’s example, teachers focus on the essential, saving truths of the gospel. They teach using the scriptures, the teachings of latter-day prophets, and approved curriculum materials. Teachers lead inspired discussions and ensure that their teaching is edifying and doctrinally sound. Approved materials are listed in the current Instructions for Curriculum on ChurchofJesusChrist.org.

17.1.4, Invite Diligent Learning

Teachers encourage members to be responsible for their own learning. They support members in their efforts to learn the gospel individually and with their families. They invite members to share what they are learning and to act on it. A person’s faith grows when he or she actively participates in learning the gospel and applies its principles in daily life.

See General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 17.1, Gospel Library
