General Conference Leadership Meeting
One in the Lord

“One in the Lord,” General Conference Leadership Meeting—October 2024 (2024)

bishopric council meeting

General Conference Leadership Meeting—October 2024

One in the Lord

Instruction from President Henry B. Eyring

Unity is essential in decision-making in the Church.

  • Wherever we serve and lead in the Lord’s Church, we can be blessed by following His counsel and example and thereby gain the power that comes by applying the principle of unity.

  • Consider whom the Lord would have you serve for Him. For instance, if you are in a ward council and are assigned to help a young girl who is losing her faith, pray to know who could best join you to minister to her. As you pray and work and speak with others, revelation will come, inspiring you to know what can be done to help her. Even if you are not successful, she will never forget the love she felt from those who were unified in their service to the Lord.

  • Those who are unified in love will remember those times because bonds of love in service last a lifetime—and beyond.

Unity blesses the Church and its members.

  • The power of unity can multiply the results of our efforts in every service we give in the Church.

  • We can choose to become one in the Lord’s service.

  • When we are unified with one another in service, we cannot help but become increasingly unified with our Savior.

  • Unity comes when faith in Jesus Christ and the love of God replace self-interest.

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