General Conference Leadership Meeting
The Rising Generation

“The Rising Generation,” General Conference Leadership Meeting—October 2024 (2024)

youth group outside temple

General Conference Leadership Meeting—October 2024

The Rising Generation

Instruction from Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

The rising generation needs to believe in Jesus Christ and His doctrine.

  • Many families and Church units have wonderful traditions of prayer, scripture study, Sabbath worship, conferences, service projects, and temple trips. As we encourage our children and youth to have these experiences, they also need to know why we do all these things. Without nourishing the roots of faith in Christ, traditions alone will not be enough (see Mosiah 26:1–4).

  • Prayerfully consider how Come, Follow Me, the For the Strength of Youth guidebook, FSY and YSA conferences, and seminary and institute are being used to help the rising generation in your area of responsibility.

The rising generation needs to feel that they belong in His Church.

  • Give them plentiful opportunities to involve themselves in the great cause of Christ. For example, in 2025, we are inviting Primary children worldwide to participate in a service activity, planned locally.

  • Make sure that every youth has opportunities to attend FSY conferences. These conferences help them feel that they are not alone in their desire to follow Jesus Christ.

  • Build belonging through covenants. The rising generation’s experiences in the Church are like an “arc of the covenants” or an “arc of discipleship” that extends from Primary and baptism into adulthood and the covenants of the temple. No matter our stage of life, we are always preparing for, making, and keeping covenants.

The rising generation needs to become their best selves, as intended by heavenly parents.

  • Becoming a lifelong disciple of Jesus Christ takes a lifetime of effort. So be patient, never give up, and don’t become complacent.

  • Our young people need our help to see their own progress. We, as their leaders and mentors in Christ, can give them hope and courage and confidence.

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