Skill Practice 6
Talk with Everyone
When young people speak with people they don’t know, it is common for them to feel uncomfortable or nervous. This activity can help class members practice having conversations with people they just met.
Discussion leader: Strive to be brief in the “Define” and “Demonstrate” sections so learners have plenty of time for practice.
Discussion leader: Explain that part of missionary work involves talking with people you don’t know every day.
What is a recent experience you had when you talked to someone for the first time? How did it go?
Discussion leader: Before introducing the specific guidelines that will be the focus of this skill practice, consider reading together “Talk with Everyone” (Preach My Gospel [2023], 166–67). You could invite learners to discuss the suggestions they found most helpful.
Explain that this skill practice will focus on three guidelines summarized from Preach My Gospel (see pages 166–67) and Adjusting to Missionary Life (see pages 35–36). Display these guidelines and invite a few class members to take turns reading them aloud
Find a simple way to begin a conversation. Be warm, genuine, and friendly. Try saying hello, giving a compliment, offering to help with something, or asking a question (see the next bullet for examples).
Ask questions. Consider asking people about things that are interesting or important to them. This could include their work, hobbies, interests, family, or where they attend church or school. Be willing to answer their questions about you as well.
Listen sincerely. Focus on what the other person is saying more than on what you will say next. Maintain eye contact throughout the conversation. Show that you are interested in the person you are speaking to and what they are saying. You could ask them additional questions to learn more.
Discussion leader: Model these skills for the class by inviting a willing participant to come to the front of the room. Have a conversation by following the guidelines listed in the previous section. When you have finished, invite the class to share how they observed the guidelines being followed.
Another way you could demonstrate this skill is by showing the video “Talking with Everyone” (; watch from time code 4:00 to 6:08).
Discussion leader: Assign each participant a partner. Then share the following instructions. If time allows, give learners an opportunity to repeat this practice with several others in the class.
With your partner, take turns starting a conversation by using the three guidelines we have discussed:
Find a simple way to begin a conversation.
Ask questions.
Listen sincerely.
Discussion leader: Share the following invitation. You might consider following up on this invitation in a future class.
Find opportunities over the next week to begin a conversation with someone you have never met or don’t know well. Practice using the skills you have learned today during your conversation.