Skill Practice 9
Use Technology Righteously
Using technology can present both opportunities and challenges. By using technology righteously, we can better accomplish the Lord’s purposes for us as missionaries and in our everyday lives.
Electronic devices like phones and computers can be powerful tools to further the work of the Lord, increase our productivity, and foster positive relationships. There are also many temptations associated with these devices.
Read “What Should You Do If You Feel Vulnerable or Susceptible?” in chapter 2 of Preach My Gospel ([2023], 21–22). Look for three principles that can help us overcome temptations related to technology use.
Principle 1: Be aware of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Principle 2: Choose to act.
Principle 3: Learn, repent, and improve.
James has a game on his phone that he enjoys playing. He commonly pulls out his phone to play his game during dinner, at church, or while in class at school.
Principle 1: Be aware of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
What are some thoughts or feelings that may be causing James to do this?
What might be important for him to understand about his use of technology in these situations?
Principle 2: Choose to act.
What specific actions could James take to help him be more engaged in these social settings?
Principle 3: Learn, repent, and improve.
What might James learn from his experience as he makes efforts to improve?
Sophia saw a discussion on social media that made her angry, and she wants to respond.
When Gideon gets bored, he often scrolls on his phone. Lately, he has been drawn to viewing pornography.
Maria often compares the number of likes and followers she has on social media to the number of likes and followers her friends have.
When Lucas walks around, he almost always listens to music with his headphones.
Amari often stays up late playing video games.