Skill Practice 8
Intentional Breathing
During missionary service and in our everyday lives, it is common for stressful situations to arise. Intentional breathing is a technique we can use to reduce stress and create a feeling of well-being.
Experiencing stress can provide us with opportunities to stretch, grow, and rely on God for strength. However, intense moments of stress or consistently feeling stress over long periods of time can lead to physical and emotional challenges.
One positive way to cope with negative forms of stress is through intentional breathing exercises. Breathing intentionally can help us calm our minds and our bodies. It also allows us to improve our concentration, manage our emotions, improve memory, and become more receptive to the promptings of the Spirit.
Option 1: Box breathing
Sit in a chair and get comfortable. Ensure that your back is supported and your feet are firmly on the floor. You can keep your eyes open or closed.
Step 1: Breathe in through your nose and count to five slowly, filling your lungs with air.
Step 2: Hold your breath for five seconds. Try to avoid exhaling for the full five seconds.
Step 3: Slowly exhale through your mouth for five seconds.
Step 4: Hold for five seconds.
Step 5: Repeat steps 1 through 4 until you feel relaxed.
Option 2: Breathing exercise in Adjusting to Missionary life
Find the “Breathing Exercise” activity in the “General Principles for Managing Stress” section of Adjusting to Missionary Life ([2013], 18). Follow the three steps described in the activity.
Practice intentional breathing for a few minutes each day as well as any time you experience stress. Pay attention to how you feel as you practice. Pray for Heavenly Father’s help in handling stressful situations in your life.