undefined undefined 1.2 Responsibilities
1.2 Responsibilities

1.2 Responsibilities

The following are specific responsibilities of managers; supervisors; the safety, health, and environmental manager or coordinator; and employees. Responsibilities are further explained in this manual.

1.2.1 Managers

In order to protect employees and ensure the success of the safety and health program, it is essential that all levels of management support the program. Management is encouraged to actively support this program and visibly participate in safety and health initiatives. They should make reasonable efforts to implement the guidelines in this manual, including the following:

  • Protect and continually improve existing safety and health processes and programs.

  • Encourage employees to participate in the safety and health program, and allow a reasonable amount of time for them to do so during the workday.

  • Comply with the applicable laws and regulations of their local governments.

  • Implement basic programs and practices that are part of the overall safety and health program, including the following:

    • An incident- and injury-prevention program

    • Training meetings and programs to improve the safety and health of employees

    • The Global Incident Reporting (GIR) system (see incidents.ChurchofJesusChrist.org) to report incidents and near misses

    • An active safety and health committee

    • A safety inspection program

    • A safety and health bulletin board

Safety and health concerns should be a regular agenda item for management or staff meetings. These items are on a meeting agenda so that management and staff can:

  • Discuss general safety information.

  • Review safety committee reports.

  • Address safety suggestions.

  • Promote health and safety generally.

1.2.2 Supervisors

One of the many responsibilities of supervisors is to help establish a safe and healthy work environment for each employee. To do this, supervisors should do the following:

  • Conduct an orientation for all employees who are new, have been rehired, or have been transferred. Several resources are available for this purpose, including the online module for new hires “Working Together Safely—Safety Orientation (HRD-0001).” Groups may continue to use the Safety Orientation Checklist (see chapter 7) or use a customized checklist for orientation if desired.

  • Conduct an orientation for all volunteers and missionaries.

  • Provide necessary personal protective equipment, and train employees in how to use and properly care for it.

  • Take part in safety inspections, job safety observations, and investigations to identify and eliminate job hazards.

  • Consider hazard reports and suggestions to improve safety, and implement them as appropriate.

  • Train, as needed, both new and experienced employees in safe and efficient ways to accomplish each job or task.

  • Ensure employees report any injuries to the supervisor immediately.

  • Review any trends that can be discovered from past incidents, and establish methods for preventing incidents. Using the online Global Incident Reporting (GIR) system at incidents.ChurchofJesusChrist.org to report near-miss incidents and injuries can help provide additional data for review.

  • Attend and participate in general safety meetings and safety and health committee meetings.

  • Investigate and report incidents in a timely manner.

  • Follow the progress of injured workers, and show concern for their recovery and timely return to work.

1.2.3 Safety, Health, and Environmental Manager or Liaison

Each organization should have an assigned safety, health, and environmental manager, collateral duty safety representative (CDSR), or liaison. This person should help implement and administer routine safety, health, and environmental programs. The CDSR should also be involved in:

  • Training and communicating with management and employees about safety, health, and environmental requirements.

  • Maintaining records that will be used to furnish required reports, graphs, trends, and other information.

  • Participating in safety committee functions.

  • Planning for emergencies and performing exercises that prepare organizations to recover from a disaster.

  • Reporting to management on safety, health, and environmental issues.

  • Evaluating potential safety and health risks associated with purchased products, raw materials, or other goods and related services before they are introduced into the work environment.

  • Maintaining the information that is required for applicable regulatory reports.

  • Maintaining a safety bulletin board.

  • Investigating incidents, with supervision and support from a safety, health, and environmental manager.

  • Recognizing and controlling hazards.

1.2.4 Employees

Employees should follow the safety and health procedures outlined for them by their supervisors. Many of these procedures are outlined on the Safety Orientation Checklist (see chapter 7). For example, employees should:

  • Observe general safety and health rules.

  • Participate in safety and health meetings and safety training.

  • Review and acknowledge motor vehicle safety guidelines if operating vehicles while on the job.

  • Use proper techniques for lifting things manually.

  • Report any job-related injury or illness to their supervisor and promptly seek treatment.

  • Promptly report coworkers’ hazardous behavior or other hazardous conditions to the supervisor or safety and health committee representative. Employees may also report unsafe work conditions or practices by using a Hazard Report (see chapter 7) or by sending an email to LDSRiskMgt@ldschurch.org.

  • Keep aisles, walkways, stairways, exit doors, and working areas clear of obstacles and hazards that could cause an incident.

  • Become familiar with the location of emergency exits and evacuation procedures.

  • Become familiar with the location and use of emergency equipment, such as fire extinguishers, fire alarms, and fire department connections.

  • Use equipment and tools only after receiving proper operating, maintenance, and safety training.

  • Observe hazard warning signs and labels.

  • Not use alcohol and other drugs that impair judgment or ability to function.

  • Not work while under the influence of medications, prescription or nonprescription, that impair judgment or ability to function.