4.31 Workplace Protection (Violence in the Workplace)

4.31 Workplace Protection (Violence in the Workplace)

4.31.1 General Information

The Church strives to provide its employees and others a safe environment. The Church recognizes that outside influences sometimes make this effort an even greater challenge. Violence or threats of violence are strictly prohibited. Any employees involved in such acts will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination (see “No Workplace Violence” in Policy Point [2018], 1.4).

To maintain the safety and protection of its employees, the Church has developed Active Shooter and Uncooperative or Disruptive Individuals emergency response guidelines for situations involving active shooters and uncooperative and disruptive individuals (see sections 3.6 and 3.15 of this manual). These guidelines include training for managers, supervisors, and employees on how to deal with threats of violence and actual incidents.

All threats or acts of violence in the workplace should be reported and will be investigated if the security of any employee is threatened. As much as possible, the confidentiality of employees who provide information will be maintained.

Education and training may include the following:

  • How to appropriately respond to a threat of violence.

  • Who to contact during and after a threat.

  • How to prepare and plan for a threat of violence or active shooter (see section 3.6).

  • Individual plans may need to be adapted to your local area or circumstances (see your local Human Resources and Church Security representatives).

4.31.2 Threat Response

The following outlines how the Church will respond in the event that a threat of violence is made against the Church or one of its employees. Managers and supervisors must closely follow these procedures in order to bring any situation to a safe and prompt resolution.

4.31.3 When a Threat Occurs

  • Employees should report the threat or incident to a supervisor or telephone local emergency services if necessary and available.

  • As appropriate, employees should notify a supervisor, department management, an HR representative, or local police or law enforcement.

  • Human Resources contacts the employee being threatened if he or she is unaware of the threat.
