4.1 Introduction
The safety guidelines in this section are required by the Church and will help managers and supervisors establish a safe work environment and prevent incidents. Managers and supervisors should be familiar with these guidelines and use those that apply to the employees under their supervision.
These guidelines are arranged alphabetically. Additional guidelines or changes may be implemented as the result of changes in laws, directives from the local regulatory authority, or changing best practices.
If there are questions about any of these guidelines that cannot be resolved with your management team, contact the Risk Management Division.
Risk Management Division
50 E. North Temple St. Rm. 1608
Salt Lake City, UT 84150-0016
Salt Lake area:
All other areas:
1-800-453-3860, extension 2-4049
or 1-866-LDS-RISK (1-866-537-7475)
email: LDSRiskMgt@ldschurch.org