2.8 Managing Change

2.8 Managing Change

2.8.1 Introduction

Personnel with safety and health responsibilities should be involved early in the process of designing, reviewing, or changing safety procedures and guidelines. Management, along with safety personnel, should help determine the appropriate scope and degree of design review required:

  • When changes are being considered for existing operations, products, processes, services, or suppliers.

  • When a new process or operation is in early design stages.

2.8.2 Opportunities for Review

Risk Management, facilities managers, and property insurance engineers can assist in evaluating any potential risks created by any proposed changes. The following items should be considered during the design review process.

Key Considerations

  • Identify tasks and their related health and safety hazards.

  • Consider hazards that could be caused by humans.

  • Consider available control measures.

  • Review applicable regulations, codes, or standards.

  • Consider previous recommendations from property loss or safety consultation reports.
