2.6 Handling and Reporting Incidents
An incident is defined as any unplanned event that results in personal injury or damage to property, equipment, or the environment, including a near miss. Incidents may result from natural disasters—such as earthquakes, storms, or floods—or from such things as fire, structural failure, equipment malfunctions, or failure to follow safety guidelines. An incident may impact employees, volunteers, Church members, or visitors. It is important to make plans for handling incidents, whatever their cause. This section provides recommended procedures for handling and reporting incidents.
2.6.1 Incident Investigation and Reporting
Employees should report to supervisors all work-related incidents, no matter how minor.
Supervisors should investigate all incidents to determine the causes. Incidents usually have one or more contributing causes, and removing even one of the causes can prevent another incident. An Incident Report form (see chapter 7) may be used to collect information before the supervisor completes the online report at incidents.ChurchofJesusChrist.org. Be sure to secure the scene, take photographs, obtain any surveillance video, gather witness statements, and document any recommendations or corrective actions. Other nonemployee injuries involving Church premises or operations may also be reported in this manner (see “Incidents or Injuries Involving Nonemployees” below for more details). The same incidents.churchofjesuschrist.org online portal should be used to report all incidents relating to motor vehicle accidents or damage. Also, a Traffic Accident and Exchange form (see chapter 7) should be filled out by the driver. Some types of incidents may require that more than one report be completed.
Incidents typically fall into one of the following five categories:
Motor vehicle
Property damage
Employee injury
General liability, other, or miscellaneous
2.6.2 U.S. OSHA Reporting Requirements
(The following section applies only to operations located within the United States and its territories.)
For employment-related injuries, OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) requires that incidents be reported within the following time frames:
All work-related fatalities reported within 8 hours
All work-related inpatient hospitalizations, amputations, or loss of an eye reported within 24 hours
The following incidents should be recorded on OSHA Form 300 within seven calendar days after they occur, if they are found to be work related, and after they have been reported to supervision. Obtain a copy of the form from your safety, health, and environmental manager or coordinator or the Risk Management Division.
Note: State occupational safety and health agencies may have more restrictive reporting requirements, such as if an incident results in the following:
Loss of consciousness
Restricted work activity or job transfer
Medical treatment beyond first aid
2.6.3 Employment-Related Injuries and Illnesses
Managers or supervisors should investigate all incidents to determine causes. Incidents usually have one or more contributing causes, and removing even one of the causes can prevent another incident. Interview witnesses and the injured or ill employee, and record or report all of the findings. Provide copies to the appropriate management (the safety and health manager or coordinator, and the safety and health committee chairperson), and file a copy in the employee’s file.
Minor Injuries and Illnesses Not Requiring Off-Site Medical Care
Report the findings at incidents.ChurchofJesusChrist.org or on an Incident Report form (see chapter 7), and complete according to the instructions.
Minor Injuries and Illnesses Requiring Off-Site Medical Care
An Incident Report form (see chapter 7) can be used to collect information, but the supervisor is required to complete the online report at incidents.churchofjesuschrist.org.
Major Injuries and Illnesses
For major injuries and illnesses that require hospital treatment beyond first aid, managers or supervisors should:
Immediately notify appropriate management (including the assigned safety and health manager or coordinator, and the safety and health committee chairperson) about the incident. The safety and health manager or coordinator, working directly with the Risk Management Division, will report the incident, as appropriate, to the local occupational safety and health administration within the prescribed time period (may be eight hours or less) after the incident occurs. The report should relate the circumstances and the extent of injuries or illnesses.
Ensure that the investigation team completes the steps listed under “Minor Injuries and Illnesses” and enters the required information at incidents.ChurchofJesusChrist.org. If practical, the Risk Management Division can assist with conducting an investigation into the causes of the incident. The team performing the investigation should include the supervisor of anyone injured and a representative from the safety and health committee.
Fatalities or Probable Fatalities
For incidents that result in a fatality or probable fatality, managers and supervisors should also:
Ensure that equipment involved in an incident with an immediate fatality is not moved until permission to do so has been granted by the local regulatory agency. However, the equipment may be moved if necessary to prevent further incidents or to remove the victim.
Promptly enter the required information at incidents.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.
2.6.4 Near-Miss Incidents
A near-miss incident is any hazard or unplanned event that could have potentially caused injury or property damage. Supervisors should investigate causes, record what happened, and take remedial measures to prevent future incidents. Supervisors may use incidents.ChurchofJesusChrist.org, Incident Report forms, or Hazard Report forms (see chapter 7) to record the hazard or incident.
2.6.5 Incidents or Injuries Involving Nonemployees
When nonemployees—such as volunteers, members, customers, or visitors—visit or use Church facilities or services and are involved in an incident or injury, the manager or supervisor of the local operating unit or facility should follow these procedures.
When an incident or injury occurs, promptly summon emergency medical care or provide first aid, whichever is appropriate. Provide first aid only within your level of skill and training. Do not direct additional medical treatment for nonemployees.
In the event of a fatality, a serious injury, or potential legal action, immediately contact the Risk Management Division at 1-801-240-4049 or 1-866-LDS-RISK, or promptly enter the required information at incidents.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.
Show empathy and concern.
Ask specifically about what occurred and how it happened.
Ask about the extent of injuries received.
Be observant of surrounding conditions.
Do not admit fault or make statements concerning any failure or neglect associated with the facilities or services.
Do not make any financial commitments on behalf of the Church.
Gather initial evidence, such as witnesses’ names, phone numbers, addresses, and accounts of what happened. Also collect video surveillance tapes if available.
Take photographs of the location of the incident and any objects that allegedly caused injury or property damage.
Preserve any physical evidence for later inspection.
Avoid speculation or opinions. Gather fact-based narrative descriptions from witnesses or others knowledgeable about some aspect of the incident. Utilize the Incident Report Addendum—Statement form (see chapter 7).
Report online using the Global Incident reporting portal at incidents.churchofjesuschrist.org. This requires an LDS Account. If you do not have online access, you can manually complete an Incident Report (see chapter 7). If using a paper version of the Incident Report, including witness statements, immediately forward it to your safety and health representative and the Risk Management Division. Keep a copy for your local records.
2.6.6 Church Activity Medical Assistance Program
(The following section applies only to operations solely located within the United States and Canada.)
If an incident involves injury to a participant in a Church-sponsored activity or someone serving in a Church-service assignment, that individual may be eligible to participate in the Church Activity Medical Assistance (CAMA) program.
CAMA is not general liability, workers’ compensation, or premises insurance. It is available regardless of who was at fault, but it is secondary to any available insurance.
Individuals are expected to provide their own health and liability insurance (see Handbook 2: Administering the Church [2010], 13.6.9).
If you believe CAMA may apply to individuals, encourage them to contact their local ecclesiastical leader to request CAMA enrollment.
The current CAMA handbook contains the specific program benefits, limitations, and exclusions.
Deseret Mutual Benefit Administrators (DMBA) is the program administrator for CAMA. For CAMA questions, call DMBA at 801-578-5650 (locally) or 1-800-777-1647 (toll free), send an email to churchactivity@dmba.com, or visit dmba.com/churchactivity.