Pray for them by name.

“Pray for them by name,” Teacher Development Skills (2022)

“Pray for them by name,” Teacher Development Skills

Love Those You Teach

Pray for them by name.

Skill: Pray and ask how you can help your students and follow the promptings from the Holy Ghost.


Praying for your students regularly can help you feel more of God’s love for them and increase your desire to provide a safe, inviting place where they can learn. It can also allow Heavenly Father to help you better understand their circumstances and needs. Although we cannot force spiritual matters or answers to prayers, praying for our students invites the direction of the Holy Ghost and can increase our capacity to help them. Acting upon the inspiration you receive can help you improve each student’s learning experience. One way teachers can seek to increase love for their students is by considering what they already know about a student and then prayerfully pondering and asking how they might show more love toward that student. As they pray with these thoughts in mind, teachers should then seek to identify and act on the promptings of the Spirit.


The following are a few examples of how you might pray and ask how to help an individual student and follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost:

  • You have noticed that John has been reluctant to engage in class recently. You ask Heavenly Father how you could best help him. You feel that you should talk to him as he comes into class. You sense that you should ask him more about his current interests rather than just asking him about why he hasn’t been participating as much recently. You plan to talk to him before class tomorrow.

  • Maria has been regularly sharing her insights and testimony the last few weeks. Prior to the next class, you ask Heavenly Father how you might help her continue to progress. You have the thought to pair her up with a few of her classmates who don’t share as often or who struggle to openly share how they are feeling. In your lesson planning for tomorrow, you add a classmate sharing opportunity.

Click here to see a video of this model.


Use one or more of the following practices to improve your ability to pray for students and act upon the resulting promptings:

  • Select a student who you feel does not have many close friendships in class. Pray about how to best help him or her. Make a plan to act upon the impressions you receive.

  • Select a student who shares a lot in class. Pray for him or her and about how to continue improving that student’s learning experience. Act upon the impressions you receive.

  • Select a student you have not seen in class recently. Pray for him or her, and ask the Lord how to best reach out and help the student feel loved and needed. Come up with a plan based on the impressions you receive, decide when you could act upon that plan, and follow through.

Discuss or Ponder

Ponder what you have learned from this experience. Perhaps you could record some of these thoughts in a study journal. Consider the following questions:

  • What efforts have I made previously to pray for my students?

  • What have I learned in this process that could improve my ability to pray for my students and help them improve their learning experience?

  • What will I do to continue to improve?


Make an action plan to pray and ask how you can help your students and follow promptings from the Holy Ghost. You could consider the following suggested steps as you make an action plan:

  • Choose and focus on one of the practices above.

  • Determine how you will incorporate it.

  • Schedule time to incorporate it.

  • Ask Heavenly Father to help you.

Want More?

  • Neil L. Andersen, “A Classroom of Faith, Hope, and Charity” (evening with a General Authority, Feb. 28, 2014),

  • Chad H. Webb, “Above All Things” (Seminaries and Institutes of Religion annual training broadcast, June 12, 2019),

  • Love Those You Teach,” Teaching in the Savior’s Way (2016), 6
