Praise to the Lamb
August 1988

“Praise to the Lamb,” New Era, Aug. 1988, 51

Praise to the Lamb

First-Place Hymn

1. O praise His name, ye Sons of God.

Our Saviour, Lord, and King.

From ev’ry mountain, hill and plain,

Let your Hosannas ring,

To Him who died on Calvary

That we might live again.

Hosanna to the Lamb of God,

Hosanna to His name.

2. His love was great, he showed the way

For greater light divine.

So let us show our love for Him,

Arise, go forth and shine,

Come let us teach His gospel plan

That ev’ryone might say,

Hosanna to the Lamb of god,

Hosanna to His name.

Copyright © 1988 by Ryan Lee Kemp. All rights reserved. Making copies of this music for use within the Church is permitted. This notice must be included on each copy made.

Music, Praise to the Lamb

Handlettering by James Fedor