My Friend Had Questions about the Gospel: What If I Didn’t Have the Answers?
November 2022

My Friend Had Questions about the Gospel: What If I Didn’t Have the Answers?

I didn’t know if I had any answers that would help my roommate, but the Spirit helped me find the answers I needed.

two women sitting and talking

“I just don’t think I’ve ever felt the Spirit or God’s love for me.”

These words from my college roommate crushed me. We were deep in a gospel discussion where she seemed to have more questions than I could answer.

How could I explain how I felt God’s love to someone who thought they’d never felt it? How could I help her find answers to gospel questions when I didn’t have all the answers either? What if I shared something that could be misunderstood?

Feeling desperate to help her, I said a silent prayer for help. As our conversation progressed, multiple scriptures relating to a topic flooded into my mind (I was super grateful for my scripture study and institute class during that moment). My heart and mind were filled with so many truths that I considered sharing them all with her because I wanted so badly to lay out evidence and convince her of the truth of the gospel. But I felt the Spirit prompting me to choose only a couple things to share that best applied to her questions.

I shared some of my own experiences with her to give context to my answers, and in a way, I was also able to bear my testimony. There were some questions that I didn’t feel qualified to answer, and I admitted to her that I didn’t know everything, but I did have faith.

Feeling Inadequate

It seemed like a successful conversation, but the rest of the night I questioned my efforts. I felt inadequate; I really didn’t know all the answers and felt like I hadn’t done enough to help her.

But before I went to bed, I read Doctrine and Covenants 100. Verses 6 and 7 caught my eye. They said:

“For it shall be given you in the very hour, yea, in the very moment, what ye shall say.

“… Ye shall declare whatsoever thing ye declare in my name, in solemnity of heart, in the spirit of meekness, in all things.”

I reflected on our conversation and was actually amazed at how quickly scriptures and quotes had come to me. The Spirit spoke to my heart, and I knew I had been led by Him to know what to say. I felt confident that I had answered “in solemnity of heart, in the spirit of meekness.” I knew I had been right to stop myself from attempting to use facts and evidence to convince her and share only the truths I thought she should hear at the time.

This experience helped me realize how much God cares for my roommate and for all of us.

We Can Rely on the Spirit to Share Truth

This conversation may not have changed anything drastically in her life, but it did make a difference in mine. I didn’t expect my words to lead my roommate to an immediate, unwavering testimony. And they didn’t. But I know that she now better understands some aspects of the gospel and feels more at peace.

I knew my answers weren’t perfect. But I also knew that Heavenly Father knows and loves each of His children, and He led me to say what would most help her. President Henry B. Eyring, Second Counselor in the First Presidency, has said, “Simply hearing the words of doctrine can plant the seed of faith in the heart.”1

So while my roommate still has questions, the truths I shared with her might help grow and strengthen her testimony more than I’ll ever know. And for me, sharing those truths solidified my testimony of how much God loves His children. I know that as we have courage to share what’s in our hearts and rely on the Spirit, He will guide us to know what to say to share the love and light of Jesus Christ with anyone, especially with those who are seeking truth.
