undefined undefined Conference Has Come and Gone. What Do We Do Now?
Conference Has Come and Gone. What Do We Do Now?
May 2024

Conference Has Come and Gone. What Do We Do Now?

It can be hard to know how to actually apply all the teachings to our lives.

a woman with a notebook full of notes and doodles

General conference is one of our favorite times of year—it’s a great time to be uplifted and reminded of our blessings and responsibilities as disciples of Christ. But sometimes it can be easy to forget what the messages are for, especially after conference ends!

President Russell M. Nelson reminded us of the importance of general conference when he asked us to make “conference a time of feasting on messages from the Lord through His servants. Learn how to apply them in your life.”1

General conference is a time to receive inspiration, but it’s important to remember that it’s God-given guidance. Conference is—quite literally—modern-day revelation and scripture.

So now that we have said goodbye for now until the next conference, how do we actually apply the teachings we just heard? How do we continue to feast on the words of our loving leaders, without getting burned out from trying to do too much at once?

Though everyone’s experiences and circumstances are unique, here are four simple tips that can help you make the most of general conference:

Revisit the Talks

It can be hard to allow 10 hours of revelation to sink into your heart and mind all at once! But having six months between conferences gives us time to revisit the talks and remind ourselves of the most recent teachings from our prophet and apostles.

President Ezra Taft Benson (1899–1994) suggested, “For the next six months, your conference edition of the [Liahona] should stand next to your standard works and be referred to frequently.”2

You might be surprised at words or principles that stand out to you the second time around. As you listen to or read the messages from conference throughout the following months, ask Heavenly Father to help you identify takeaways that you should focus on. Pray for understanding and guidance on how they can apply to you specifically.

Don’t Neglect Your Notes

Many of us jot down notes or impressions while listening to conference, but afterward, it can be easy to let those notes gather dust. The point of those notes is to recall spiritual experiences and impressions and ponder the truths that stood out to you.

Set aside time to regularly review the notes you made (it helps to keep them in an accessible place you won’t forget about) and engage in some deeper study of those conference talks that touched your heart.

President Henry B. Eyring, Second Counselor in the First Presidency, taught us, “If you trust God enough to listen for His messages of encouragement, correction, and direction from His servants, you will find them.”3 Your notes can reveal what the Lord wants you to focus on. (And if you didn’t take notes, it’s never too late—jot some down while you’re revisiting the messages!)

Make a Doable Plan

President Nelson also taught us, “When the Savior knows you truly want to reach up to Him—when He can feel that the greatest desire of your heart is to draw His power into your life—you will be led by the Holy Ghost to know exactly what you should do [see Doctrine and Covenants 88:63].”4

Once you’ve identified the messages you feel impressed to work on, create a plan for how you’re going to incorporate that principle or behavior into your life. Don’t be overwhelmed by feeling like you need to apply every single talk at once. Setting specific, actionable goals can help you make manageable changes. One step at a time! Or, as Elder Michael A. Dunn of the Seventy taught, “One percent better!”5

Be Patient and Persistent

Change and progress often come slowly, and that’s OK! Be patient with yourself. The important thing is to keep trying and to keep an open dialogue with Heavenly Father in prayer. Elder Dunn also reminds us: “Although we won’t likely be perfect, we must be determined to mirror our persistence with patience. Do that, and the sweet rewards of increased righteousness will bring you the joy and peace you seek.”6

If you’re persistent and patient, you will see the difference that applying the teachings at general conference can make in your life.

The goal of general conference is not just to hear the word of God but also to help us become better disciples of Christ. Applying the messages to our lives guides us closer to the Savior, and every small effort you make to do that is a step in the right direction. Keep going, and you’ll see your faith in Him and your understanding of His gospel grow—and your life change!