Temple de Detroit (Michigan, États-Unis), Prière de consécration

Prière de consécration

Temple de Detroit (Michigan, États-Unis), 23 octobre 1999

O God our Eternal Father, Thou great Elohim, with bowed heads and thankful hearts we come unto Thee on this day of dedication.

We rejoice in the completion of this Thy sacred temple. It is beautiful and well-designed to accommodate the ordinances of Thy house. Thou hast invited us to come here as Thy guests to assist in Thy great work of bringing to pass the immortality and eternal lives of Thy children.

Almighty Father, in the name of Thy Beloved Son the great Jehovah of the Old Testament, the Messiah of the New and acting in the authority of that priesthood which comes from Thee, we dedicate unto Thee and unto Him this the Detroit Michigan Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

We dedicate the attractive plantings, the lawns, shrubs, trees, and flowers that surround this sacred house. They represent the beauties of Thy creations. We dedicate the structure from the footings to the Angel Moroni which crowns its steeple. We dedicate the exterior walls dressed in shining marble. We dedicate all within the temple, the baptistry, the facilities for the initiatory ordinances, the endowment rooms, the celestial room, the sealing rooms with their sacred altars, the offices and all other facilities found herein. All of these we bring to Thee as the offering of our hands and our hearts.

Wilt Thou be pleased to accept this sacred structure. Wilt Thou sanctify it and hallow it, and endow it with Thy Holy Spirit. Bless all who enter these portals that they may be touched by the power of Thy Spirit. May their thoughts turn to Thee and to Thy Beloved Son, dwelling upon the things of eternity. May they serve herein with an eye single to Thy glory.

We pray that Thou wilt preserve this dedicated structure from the destructive forces of the elements. May no unhallowed hand deface it or mar it in any way.

May the work that will go forward in this sacred edifice please Thee and bring untold blessings to Thy sons and daughters on both sides of the veil. May the sacred covenants entered into in Thy house become an eternal binding element between Thee and Thy children.

May this structure shine as a bright and welcome light, a refuge from the storms and stresses of the world. May it be a house of peace and love and faith, where Thy children may find respite from the toil of their daily lives.

Holy Father, bless Thine endowed servants who go forth from this house to carry the glad tidings of the gospel to the world. Empower them "to seal up the law, and bind up the testimony," that those who accept the truth "may be prepared against the day of burning" (D&C 109:46).

Pour out Thy blessings upon Thy faithful people wherever they may be. Open the windows of heaven and let blessings shower down upon them. Hear and answer their supplications. When they are called upon to walk in the dark shadows of life, bring them light and understanding, reassurance and peace. Bless the faithful and their generations who come after them.

"Have mercy, O Lord, upon all the nations of the earth; have mercy upon the rulers of our land; may those principles, which were so honorably and nobly defended, namely, the Constitution of our land,...be established forever" (D&C 109:54).

We pray for all who shall labor in this temple, the presidency, the matron and her assistants, and all who consecrate their time and energies in the great work which will be carried forward here. May their burdens be light. May their joy be deep and profound.

Bless Thy work in all the earth, wherever it may be established. Prosper Thy people who love Thee and who love Thy Beloved Son. Strengthen Thy work. Add to the faith of all who accept the gospel, that they may remain true and loyal to Thy cause.

Bless all who serve in callings of responsibility in Thy great Church and kingdom. Give them strength and energy, inspiration and revelation in moving forward Thy work.

Our Eternal Father, smile upon us with that divine love which caused Thy Son to come to earth and suffer in an act of redemption for all mankind. His was a greater gift than any of us can fully understand. His was an Atonement infinite and universal.

We feel so deeply grateful for this day. Accept of our thanks. Forgive our sins and give us the strength to walk acceptably before Thee. As we dedicate this Holy House, may we rededicate our lives more fully to Thy sacred work and to the blessing of Thy children, we humbly pray in the name of our divine Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.