Temple de Fresno (Californie, États-Unis), Prière de consécration

Prière de consécration

Temple de Fresno (Californie, États-Unis), 9 avril 2000

O God our Eternal Father, "Hallowed be Thy name. . . . Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven" (Matt. 6:9). We are met together in reverence and love as we Thy sons and daughters dedicate this Thy holy house.

We are grateful that it has been completed, and that the hearts of many will be made glad because of its very presence.

Acting in the authority of the holy priesthood, that priesthood which comes from Thee, and in the name of Jesus Christ, we consecrate and dedicate unto Thee and unto Thy Beloved Son this the Fresno California Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Please accept it, Father. It is our offering unto Thee given with love and with great appreciation for Thy many blessings upon us. We dedicate the ground on which it stands, and all of the structure from the footings to the figure of Moroni. We dedicate the walls and pray that they may never be desecrated by disrespectful hands, and that they shall stand against the elements of nature and any trembling of the earth. We dedicate the interior facilities, the beautiful Baptistry, the endowment rooms, the magnificent celestial room, the sealing rooms, the offices and every other facility found in this structure.

Wilt Thou cause that Thy Holy Spirit may dwell here and that all who enter this house may do so with a spirit of love for Thee and for the Lord Jesus Christ.

Wilt Thou bless all who will serve within this sacred structure. They will come here to assist in bringing to pass Thy work and Thy glory, even the immortality and eternal life of man. May they not weary in well doing. May they be blessed with strength and vitality to carry on the rigorous activity which lies before them. Bless the temple president and his counselors, the matron and her assistants, and everyone who serves in any capacity in this Thy sacred house. Bless those who will come here as patrons that they may be many and that they may experience great joy in their service. May they carry in their hearts a sense of appreciation for the presence of this temple in their midst. May its doors be open to all who gather here with clean hands and pure hearts to assist in bringing to pass Thy great work in behalf of the living and the dead. May the work in this house unlock the prison doors beyond the veil that those who there receive the gospel may rejoice in the vicarious work performed here in their behalf.

Dear Father, we pray that Thy servants who are called to preach to the people of the earth may come here to be endowed, thence to go forth with power from on high to declare the restoration of the gospel and to extend to all an invitation to learn of the ways of the Lord.

Bless Thy cause and kingdom in all the earth. May it roll forth and grow with power and majesty. Open the doors of the nations where it cannot now be taught, that Thy great purposes may come to pass. We pray for all who serve in Thy kingdom in whatever capacity and wherever they may be, that happiness may grow in their hearts as they give of their time and strength to the advancement of Thy kingdom.

Now, dear Father, bless the faithful of Thy Church who consecrate their tithes and offerings. It is these who have made possible this sacred house. Bless them for their faith and their faithfulness. May their testimonies of this work grow ever stronger in their hearts. May they teach their children of Thy divine ways and of Thy great promises.

We thank Thee for this nation of which we are a part. We are grateful for the Constitution under which it functions. May the precious liberties guaranteed thereunder ever assure freedom of worship to Thy people.

To Thee be the honor and the praise and the glory now and forever more, and to Thy Son, our Redeemer, likewise praise and honor and glory. Smile with favor upon us and let Thy blessings attend us as we look to Thee in faith and appreciation, we humbly pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.