Temple de Recife (Brésil), Prière de consécration

Prière de consécration

Temple de Recife (Brésil), 15 décembre 2000

Almighty Father, Thou great Governor of the universe, we come unto Thee in solemn and reverent prayer.

We are met to dedicate this beautiful temple which has been erected in honor to Thee and Thy Beloved Son, our Redeemer. Our hearts are full on this occasion for which we have longed and prayed.

We are grateful to have in our midst a House of the Lord to which we may come frequently and with convenience. We thank Thee, Father, for this wonderful blessing.

And now, acting in the authority of the holy priesthood, that priesthood which is Thine, we dedicate this the Recife Brazil Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, unto Thee and to Thy Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as Thy holy house.

We dedicate this beautiful site, the ground on which Thy temple stands with its trees and shrubs, grass and flowers. May they beautify this stately structure that it may be appreciated by the millions who pass this way.

We dedicate this sacred building from the footings to the crowning figure of Moroni. We dedicate the walls and windows, the roof, the offices and corridors, and the mechanical equipment. We dedicate the Baptistry, the ordinance rooms, the beautiful Celestial Room, the sealing rooms with their sacred altars, and every other facility found in this Thy house.

We ask that Thou wilt accept it as the offering of our hands and our hearts. We pray that Thou wilt be pleased to honor it with Thy presence. May Thy Holy Spirit abide here at all times, and may it ever remain hallowed and sanctified unto Thee.

May no hand with evil intent desecrate it in any way. May all who pass by look upon it with respect, even with reverence. May all who enter be clean of hand and heart and worthy in every respect. May it stand secure against the storms of nature and be kept inviolate from evil of every kind.

May this sacred edifice be an inspiration to all who serve here, be they workers or patrons. May it represent to them the holiest of all things holy; and may the work they accomplish here be sacred and divine unto them. May they know they are in the service of the Master in that which they do in behalf of others.

Now, dear Father, we invoke Thy blessings upon the temple presidency, the matron and her assistants, the recorder, and all who serve here in any capacity. Grant them strength and vitality and dedicated hearts as they strive to move Thy work forward. May Thy people in this temple district be motivated to qualify themselves to come to Thy house and be worthy of the blessings here to be gained.

Smile with favor upon this great nation of Brazil where Thy work has grown in a remarkable and wonderful way. Prosper its economy. May peace prevail throughout the land. May Thy messengers, the missionaries, be welcomed here; and may their labors be exceedingly fruitful.

Thou great Elohim, we pray "That thy church [in all the earth] may come forth out of the wilderness of darkness, and shine forth fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners; "And be adorned as a bride for that day when thou shalt unveil the heavens, and cause the mountains to flow down at thy presence, and the valleys to be exalted, the rough places made smooth; that thy glory may fill the earth" (D&C 109:73-74).

We thank Thee for Thy great prophet of this dispensation, even Joseph Smith, through whom Thou hast revealed the ordinances of Thy house. These ordinances are eternal in their nature. They bless not only those who receive them in their own behalf, but also the eternal lives of the vast number of Thy children beyond the veil of death.

Bless those who have been called to direct Thy work throughout the earth in our time. Strengthen them for their duties. Shield them from the darts of evil and designing men. Bless them to stand strong against the powers of the adversary. Crown their labors with that satisfaction which comes of witnessing the growth and strengthening of Thy work.

And now, on this day of dedication, we rededicate ourselves and all that we have and are to the advancement of Thy work and the building of Thy kingdom; and do it in the sacred name of Thine Only Begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.