Feeling burnt out?
Gospel Living

Yes, you can get past the burn-out.

01/20/22 | 1 min read
You’re close to finishing your month-long marathon!

How is your daily mile going?

Some of you might be cruising along, while others might be feeling tired, sore, and ready to quit.

Those feelings are OK. But know that you are strong enough to push through them!

Feeling burnt out?

We will all have times when life is hard. President Russell M. Nelson has reminded us that the Lord sometimes asks us to do difficult things.1 The key is, how will we react when those challenges come?

Feeling burnt out?

Lilly (pictured in this post) says that writing about her progress helps her stay motivated to finish her goal.

“I prioritize my run in the morning before school. I journal about it so I can see how far I have gone. I am excited to try something new!”

Feeling burnt out?

It’s not too late to start the marathon challenge—just set a goal to end a month from today. Or do a couple miles a day instead of one to finish the 26.2 by the last day in January.

You can do it!

Three Motivation Tips

1. Positive self talk.
2. Try making a game out of it.
3. Run or walk with someone.
What other ideas do you have?


1. See “Becoming True Millennials,” Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults, Jan. 16, 2016.
