Der Zehntenkuchen
Dezember 2022

Der Zehntenkuchen

Panel 1 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Bischof Romney spricht heute mit uns über den Zehnten.

Panel 2 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Wer weiß, was der Zehnte ist?

Panel 3 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Das ist Geld, das wir dem Vater im Himmel geben!

Panel 4 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Genau! Wir geben von dem, was wir erhalten, 10 Prozent dem Vater im Himmel.

Panel 5 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Warum müssen wir ihm denn Geld geben?

Panel 6 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Der Zehnte wird für vieles verwendet, zum Beispiel werden davon Gemeindehäuser und Tempel gebaut und die Missionare werden unterstützt.

Wem es schwerfällt, Geld herzugeben, dem kann das hier helfen: Stellt euch vor, das ist ein Pfirsichkuchen. Wer möchte ihn haben?

Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Ich! Ich auch!

Panel 8 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Gut. Ich gebe dir den ganzen Kuchen. Würdest du mir jetzt ein Stück davon zurückgeben?

Panel 9 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Na klar! Schließlich haben Sie mir ja den Kuchen gegeben.

Panel 10 of Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Dieses Stück Kuchen ist wie der Zehnte. Der Vater im Himmel gibt uns alles, was wir haben. Er bittet uns, ihm nur ein Stück davon zurückzugeben.

Panel 11 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Am nächsten Sonntag …

Panel 12 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Ist das dein Zehnter, Maya?

Ja. Der Vater im Himmel hat mir alles gegeben, was ich habe, also gebe ich ihm ein Stück von meinem Kuchen!

Illustrationen von Sébastien Braun
