La tarte de la dîme
Décembre 2022

La tarte de la dîme

Panel 1 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Notre Évêque, frère Romney, est ici pour nous parler de la dîme.

Panel 2 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Qui sait ce qu’est la dîme ?

Panel 3 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

C’est de l’argent que nous donnons à notre Père céleste !

Panel 4 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

C’est exact ! Nous partageons dix pour cent de ce que nous recevons avec notre Père céleste.

Panel 5 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Pourquoi devons-nous donner notre argent ?

Panel 6 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

L’argent de la dîme sert à de nombreuses choses, comme la construction d’églises et de temples et l’aide aux missionnaires.

Si vous trouvez cela difficile de devoir donner votre argent, voici quelque chose qui pourrait vous aider. Faites comme si c’était une tarte aux pêches. Qui en veut ?

Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Moi ! Moi aussi !

Panel 8 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

D’accord. Je vais vous donner toute la tarte ! Maintenant, voulez-vous bien me donner juste une part en retour ?

Panel 9 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Bien sûr ! C’est vous qui m’avez donné la tarte.

Panel 10 of Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Cette part de la tarte est comme la dîme. Notre Père céleste nous donne tout ce que nous avons. Il nous demande juste de lui rendre une part.

Panel 11 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Le dimanche suivant…

Panel 12 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Est-ce ta dîme, Maya ?

Oui. Notre Père céleste m’a donné tout ce que j’ai, alors je lui donne une part de ma tarte !

Illustrations Sébastien Braun