Sterke verhalen
Februari 2023

Sterke verhalen

Panel 1: Beckham and Grandpa are fishing. Beckham has caught a small fish. Panel 2: Beckham is talking with Mom. Grandpa might be seen in the background watching. The speech bubble shows a scene or part of a scene like the one in panel 1, but Beckham is holding a fish that is obviously bigger than the one in panel 1. Panel 3: Beckham and one or two other boys are playing some sort of jumping game together. Beckham is mid-jump. Panel 4: Beckham is talking with his dad. The speech bubble shows Beckham jumping unreasonably/comically far. Grandpa might be seen in the background. Panel 5: Beckham is at a petting zoo. A zoo attendant is holding a monkey for Beckham to give some fruit to. Panel 6: Beckham and Grandpa are walking or sitting together on the couch. Beckham’s speech bubble shows him holding the fruit out to a dragon. Panel 7: Grandpa looks at Beckham. Beckham is blushing. Panel 8: Grandpa hugs Beckham. Panel 9: Grandpa and Beckham together.

Beckham vond het geweldig om met opa te vissen. Hij ving zelfs een visje!

Panel 1: Beckham and Grandpa are fishing. Beckham has caught a small fish. Panel 2: Beckham is talking with Mom. Grandpa might be seen in the background watching. The speech bubble shows a scene or part of a scene like the one in panel 1, but Beckham is holding a fish that is obviously bigger than the one in panel 1. Panel 3: Beckham and one or two other boys are playing some sort of jumping game together. Beckham is mid-jump. Panel 4: Beckham is talking with his dad. The speech bubble shows Beckham jumping unreasonably/comically far. Grandpa might be seen in the background. Panel 5: Beckham is at a petting zoo. A zoo attendant is holding a monkey for Beckham to give some fruit to. Panel 6: Beckham and Grandpa are walking or sitting together on the couch. Beckham’s speech bubble shows him holding the fruit out to a dragon. Panel 7: Grandpa looks at Beckham. Beckham is blushing. Panel 8: Grandpa hugs Beckham. Panel 9: Grandpa and Beckham together.

Maar toen Beckham dat later aan mama vertelde, vertelde hij misschien een leugentje.

Panel 1: Beckham and Grandpa are fishing. Beckham has caught a small fish. Panel 2: Beckham is talking with Mom. Grandpa might be seen in the background watching. The speech bubble shows a scene or part of a scene like the one in panel 1, but Beckham is holding a fish that is obviously bigger than the one in panel 1. Panel 3: Beckham and one or two other boys are playing some sort of jumping game together. Beckham is mid-jump. Panel 4: Beckham is talking with his dad. The speech bubble shows Beckham jumping unreasonably/comically far. Grandpa might be seen in the background. Panel 5: Beckham is at a petting zoo. A zoo attendant is holding a monkey for Beckham to give some fruit to. Panel 6: Beckham and Grandpa are walking or sitting together on the couch. Beckham’s speech bubble shows him holding the fruit out to a dragon. Panel 7: Grandpa looks at Beckham. Beckham is blushing. Panel 8: Grandpa hugs Beckham. Panel 9: Grandpa and Beckham together.

Beckham won een springwedstrijd met zijn vrienden.

Panel 1: Beckham and Grandpa are fishing. Beckham has caught a small fish. Panel 2: Beckham is talking with Mom. Grandpa might be seen in the background watching. The speech bubble shows a scene or part of a scene like the one in panel 1, but Beckham is holding a fish that is obviously bigger than the one in panel 1. Panel 3: Beckham and one or two other boys are playing some sort of jumping game together. Beckham is mid-jump. Panel 4: Beckham is talking with his dad. The speech bubble shows Beckham jumping unreasonably/comically far. Grandpa might be seen in the background. Panel 5: Beckham is at a petting zoo. A zoo attendant is holding a monkey for Beckham to give some fruit to. Panel 6: Beckham and Grandpa are walking or sitting together on the couch. Beckham’s speech bubble shows him holding the fruit out to a dragon. Panel 7: Grandpa looks at Beckham. Beckham is blushing. Panel 8: Grandpa hugs Beckham. Panel 9: Grandpa and Beckham together.

Maar toen hij dat aan papa vertelde, vertelde hij misschien een leugentje.

Panel 1: Beckham and Grandpa are fishing. Beckham has caught a small fish. Panel 2: Beckham is talking with Mom. Grandpa might be seen in the background watching. The speech bubble shows a scene or part of a scene like the one in panel 1, but Beckham is holding a fish that is obviously bigger than the one in panel 1. Panel 3: Beckham and one or two other boys are playing some sort of jumping game together. Beckham is mid-jump. Panel 4: Beckham is talking with his dad. The speech bubble shows Beckham jumping unreasonably/comically far. Grandpa might be seen in the background. Panel 5: Beckham is at a petting zoo. A zoo attendant is holding a monkey for Beckham to give some fruit to. Panel 6: Beckham and Grandpa are walking or sitting together on the couch. Beckham’s speech bubble shows him holding the fruit out to a dragon. Panel 7: Grandpa looks at Beckham. Beckham is blushing. Panel 8: Grandpa hugs Beckham. Panel 9: Grandpa and Beckham together.

De volgende dag ging Beckham met zijn familie naar de dierentuin. Hij mocht daar zelfs een aap voeren!

Panel 1: Beckham and Grandpa are fishing. Beckham has caught a small fish. Panel 2: Beckham is talking with Mom. Grandpa might be seen in the background watching. The speech bubble shows a scene or part of a scene like the one in panel 1, but Beckham is holding a fish that is obviously bigger than the one in panel 1. Panel 3: Beckham and one or two other boys are playing some sort of jumping game together. Beckham is mid-jump. Panel 4: Beckham is talking with his dad. The speech bubble shows Beckham jumping unreasonably/comically far. Grandpa might be seen in the background. Panel 5: Beckham is at a petting zoo. A zoo attendant is holding a monkey for Beckham to give some fruit to. Panel 6: Beckham and Grandpa are walking or sitting together on the couch. Beckham’s speech bubble shows him holding the fruit out to a dragon. Panel 7: Grandpa looks at Beckham. Beckham is blushing. Panel 8: Grandpa hugs Beckham. Panel 9: Grandpa and Beckham together.

Maar toen hij dat aan opa vertelde, vertelde hij misschien een leugentje.

Panel 1: Beckham and Grandpa are fishing. Beckham has caught a small fish. Panel 2: Beckham is talking with Mom. Grandpa might be seen in the background watching. The speech bubble shows a scene or part of a scene like the one in panel 1, but Beckham is holding a fish that is obviously bigger than the one in panel 1. Panel 3: Beckham and one or two other boys are playing some sort of jumping game together. Beckham is mid-jump. Panel 4: Beckham is talking with his dad. The speech bubble shows Beckham jumping unreasonably/comically far. Grandpa might be seen in the background. Panel 5: Beckham is at a petting zoo. A zoo attendant is holding a monkey for Beckham to give some fruit to. Panel 6: Beckham and Grandpa are walking or sitting together on the couch. Beckham’s speech bubble shows him holding the fruit out to a dragon. Panel 7: Grandpa looks at Beckham. Beckham is blushing. Panel 8: Grandpa hugs Beckham. Panel 9: Grandpa and Beckham together.

Wauw! Heb je echt een draak gevoerd?

Uh, nee … het was maar een aap. Maar ik lijk niet cool als ik vertel wat er echt is gebeurd.

Panel 1: Beckham and Grandpa are fishing. Beckham has caught a small fish. Panel 2: Beckham is talking with Mom. Grandpa might be seen in the background watching. The speech bubble shows a scene or part of a scene like the one in panel 1, but Beckham is holding a fish that is obviously bigger than the one in panel 1. Panel 3: Beckham and one or two other boys are playing some sort of jumping game together. Beckham is mid-jump. Panel 4: Beckham is talking with his dad. The speech bubble shows Beckham jumping unreasonably/comically far. Grandpa might be seen in the background. Panel 5: Beckham is at a petting zoo. A zoo attendant is holding a monkey for Beckham to give some fruit to. Panel 6: Beckham and Grandpa are walking or sitting together on the couch. Beckham’s speech bubble shows him holding the fruit out to a dragon. Panel 7: Grandpa looks at Beckham. Beckham is blushing. Panel 8: Grandpa hugs Beckham. Panel 9: Grandpa and Beckham together.

Je hoeft geen verhalen te verzinnen zodat mensen je leuk zullen vinden. De waarheid vertellen is altijd het beste. En gewoon jezelf zijn is genoeg! Dat vindt je hemelse Vader ook.

Panel 1: Beckham and Grandpa are fishing. Beckham has caught a small fish. Panel 2: Beckham is talking with Mom. Grandpa might be seen in the background watching. The speech bubble shows a scene or part of a scene like the one in panel 1, but Beckham is holding a fish that is obviously bigger than the one in panel 1. Panel 3: Beckham and one or two other boys are playing some sort of jumping game together. Beckham is mid-jump. Panel 4: Beckham is talking with his dad. The speech bubble shows Beckham jumping unreasonably/comically far. Grandpa might be seen in the background. Panel 5: Beckham is at a petting zoo. A zoo attendant is holding a monkey for Beckham to give some fruit to. Panel 6: Beckham and Grandpa are walking or sitting together on the couch. Beckham’s speech bubble shows him holding the fruit out to a dragon. Panel 7: Grandpa looks at Beckham. Beckham is blushing. Panel 8: Grandpa hugs Beckham. Panel 9: Grandpa and Beckham together.

Bovendien is een aap voeren wél cool.

Illustraties, Conner Gillette
