Wat leren we van het evangelie over liefde?
Februari 2023

Antwoord van een apostel

Wat leren we van het evangelie over liefde?

Naar ‘Het grootste bezit’, Liahona, november 2021, 8–10.

Check out the pdf and read the story. 1. Heart with rainbow and clouds. 2. Young boy (6 yrs old) praying with parents (African family). 3. Young girl (8 yrs old) being baptized (Asian). 4. Three children, who are under 10, happy and are friends.

God houdt van ons met heel zijn hart.

Check out the pdf and read the story. 1. Heart with rainbow and clouds. 2. Young boy (6 yrs old) praying with parents (African family). 3. Young girl (8 yrs old) being baptized (Asian). 4. Three children, who are under 10, happy and are friends.

Hij wil dat wij met heel ons hart van Hem houden.

Check out the pdf and read the story. 1. Heart with rainbow and clouds. 2. Young boy (6 yrs old) praying with parents (African family). 3. Young girl (8 yrs old) being baptized (Asian). 4. Three children, who are under 10, happy and are friends.

Wij tonen onze liefde voor God door Jezus Christus te volgen.

Check out the pdf and read the story. 1. Heart with rainbow and clouds. 2. Young boy (6 yrs old) praying with parents (African family). 3. Young girl (8 yrs old) being baptized (Asian). 4. Three children, who are under 10, happy and are friends.

Hij helpt ons manieren te vinden om vriendelijk voor anderen te zijn.

Illustraties, Katherine Blackmore