undefined undefined Belonging Blastoff!
Belonging Blastoff!
October 2024

Belonging Blastoff!

young women talking

What should we do for our next activity?

We could play soccer again!

Or do another craft night!

young woman talking

I’ve been thinking. You know Sasha?

Yeah. I haven’t seen her in a while.

I heard she just got first place in the science fair. I have an idea she might like. Here’s what I’m thinking …

young women talking

… sounds fun! And then …

… invite the young men too? …

… markers to decorate …

Sounds like a plan. Let’s do it!

young women talking

The week before the activity, at Sasha’s house …

We have this activity idea.

Sure, I’ll help!

young woman and young man sending text messages to each other

Sasha’s going to teach us how to make rockets. Do you guys want to come?

I’ll invite my quorum. Can we bring snacks?

young women

The day of the activity …

Do you think anyone will come?

Sasha says she’s on her way!

young women and young men at activity

Let’s get started!

young women and young men at activity with rockets