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Fun Stop
October 2024

Fun Stop

Fun Stop

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Caption Contest

President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910–2008) said: “In all of living, have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.”

Can you think of a funny caption for this photo? Email your idea to ftsoy@ChurchofJesusChrist.org by December 1.

Here are the winning entries from the caption contest from August 2023:

“Me when the Sunday School teacher asks for a volunteer for the prayer.”—Kenzi T.

“If someone leaves the straight and narrow path during winter.”—Hampton C.

“Note to self: never look up snowboarding tutorials online.”—Jackson B.

“When you get called on in Sunday School but don’t know the answer.”—Seth B.

“Three-year-old me at the beach attempting to dig to the other side of the world.”—Samuel W.

“Santa missed the chimney again!”—Joseph C.

“You never told me about the jump!!!!”—Finneas Y.

“You can run, but you can’t hide.”—Tyson P.

“That was mind chilling! Literally!”—Doutzen S.

“And now she will perform the cannonball.”—Joie E.

“Frozen by degrees.”—Evelyn, Grace, and Stella B.

“There’s gotta be food around here somewhere.”—Henry D.

“It was at that moment he realized that his plan to break the world record for the world’s biggest snow ramp launch was … problematic.”—Blake W.

“When you try to walk on water, but it’s snow.”—Paige W.

Magazine Scavenger Hunt

Can you find all 10 of these images in this magazine? Once you find an image, match it with the gospel principle from the article you found it in.

  • 1. Planning activities

  • 2. Helping others fit in

  • 3. Go forward, not awkward

  • 4. The truth about modesty

  • 5. 10 ways to minister

  • 6. We can “be one”

  • 7. Your experience with Christ

  • 8. Be like Mormon

  • 9. Finding joy in hardship

  • 10. The Light of Christ











Ready for a Riddle?

In the Book of Mormon, Jesus told the people in the land of Bountiful to go home and ponder, pray, and prepare for Him to visit them again soon. Can you figure out when He returned, based on the riddle?

Riddle: If Jesus first visited Bountiful “today,” He returned the day before two days after the day before tomorrow.

He returned:

  1. That night (today)

  2. The next day (tomorrow)

  3. In two days

  4. In three days


boys putting together a bicycle

I think we had the instructions upside down!

Ryan Stoker


Magazine Scavenger Hunt: A1, B6, C2, D8, E5, F10, G9, H4, I3, J7

Ready for a Riddle?: B. “The day before tomorrow” is today. So “the day before two days after today” is tomorrow.