Historia de la Iglesia
Noruega: Información adicional

Noruega: Información adicional

Erekson, Keith A. y Lloyd D. Newell. “‘A Gathering Place for the Scandinavian People’: Conversion, Retention, and Gathering in Norway, Illinois (1842–1849)”.Mormon Historical Studies, tomo I, nro. 1, primavera de 2000, págs. 21–36.

Haslam, Gerald Myron. Clash of Cultures: The Norwegian Experience with Mormonism, 1842–1920. Nueva York: Peter Lang ,1984.

Mulder, William. Homeward to Zion: The Mormon Migration from Scandinavia. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press ,1957.

Pinborough, Jan U. y Marvin K. Gardner. “El poder de uno—El ejemplo de Rigmor Heistø”.Liahona, junio de 1998, págs. 8–13.

Thomas, John C. “Apostolic Diplomacy: The 1923 European Mission of Senator Reed Smoot and Professor John A. Widtsoe.Journal of Mormon History, tomo XXVIII, nro. 1, primavera de 2002, págs. 130–165.

Widtsoe, John A. In the Gospel Net: The Story of Anna Karine Gaarden Widtsoe. Salt Lake City: The Improvement Era ,1942.
