Nalane ea Kereke
Zimbabwe: Tlhahisoleseling e Eketsehileng

“Zimbabwe: Tlhahisoleseling e Eketsehileng,” Linalane tsa Lefats´e ka Bophara: Zimbabwe (2022)

“Zimbabwe: Tlhahisoleseling e Eketsehileng,” Linalane tsa Lefats´e ka Bophara: Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe: Tlhahisoleseling e Eketsehileng

  • Setsi sa Nalane ea Kereke sa Afrika e Boroa ka Bochabela Report on the Creation of the Harare Zimbabwe Stake. 2017. &

  • Anderson, Lora Pauline. “Leadership development in a voluntary church organization in the developing world: an applied context study of the Gweru, Zimbabwe LDS District.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University, 1998. Pokello ea Libuka ea Nalane ea Kereke, Salt Lake City.

  • Brough, Julie. Puisano Zimbabwe (nalane e phetoang).

  • Chikunguwo, Never. Puisano Zimbabwe (nalane e phetoang).

  • Chikunguwo, Never. Sets´oants´o sa pale ea bophelo ba motho. Pokello ea Libuka ea Nalane ea Kereke, Salt Lake City.

  • LeBaron, E. Dale. All Are Alike unto God (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1990).

  • Malaba, Bee Ncube. Puisano Zimbabwe (nalane e phetoang).

  • Mayfield, David. “Edward Dube biography, 2010 August.” Pokello ea Libuka ea Nalane ea Kereke, Salt Lake City.

  • Mayfield, David. “Reginald Joseph Nield: an overview of his life, faith, and works.” Pokello ea Libuka ea Nalane ea Kereke, Salt Lake City.
