Freetown, Sierra Leone
June 2021

“Freetown, Sierra Leone,” Liahona, June 2021

The Church Is Here

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Photographs by Christina Smith

The capital of Sierra Leone and its largest city, Freetown is home to more than a million people. It is also a center of strength for the Church, with three stakes, a seminary and institute program, eight family history centers, and soon a temple. The Church has been in Sierra Leone since 1988 and has:

22,787 members

79 congregations

1 mission

two people filling buckets from a well

Equal Partners

In the inland city of Kenema, stake president Jonathan Cobinah and his wife, Amarachi Nneka Cobinah, wash laundry together. “We help one another as equal partners,” Jonathan says. “That’s what ‘The Family: A Proclamation to the World’ teaches us to do.”
