How the Gospel Strengthens Our Families
June 2021

“How the Gospel Strengthens Our Families,” Liahona, June 2021

Welcome to This Issue

How the Gospel Strengthens Our Families

Chomjak family

Photograph courtesy of the author

Several years ago, our family decided to pack our bags, leave our home, and go on an adventure outside of our home country. As we prepared for this journey, we counseled together frequently to ensure that we were all united in our decision since it would affect each of us differently.

In addition to packing for our physical needs, we discussed how we would “pack” for our spiritual needs by bringing our habits of prayer, scripture study, and church attendance. As we lived in different areas, we benefited greatly from attending church in places very different from what we were used to and communing with the Saints who lived there. On page 22, you can read about one of those places, Dubai, and the unexpected similarities in morals we found with our Muslim neighbors.

Our membership in the Church creates a network of love and support, a gospel family that we are all part of. My neighbor Jamie is a great example of ministering to my children. For example, when my daughter was waiting to enter the missionary training center and I was working during the day, Jamie took her to the temple a few times when I could not.

  • On page 16, you can read about other ways to support parents through ministering.

  • On page 8, you can read Elder Jeffrey R. Holland’s counsel about keeping our children close to us.

  • On page 12, you can read about ways to improve your family councils.

Enjoy this issue as you consider how you can use gospel principles to help parent your own children and others who have been placed in your life.


Carol Chomjak
