The Godhead and Loving Others
June 2021

“The Godhead and Loving Others,” Liahona, June 2021

For Parents

The Godhead and Loving Others

illustration of Godhead

Dear Parents,

This month’s issue includes topics such as the Godhead, the role of parents, forgiveness, and service to all of God’s children—no matter where they come from or where they are going. The articles below can help you as you teach these principles in your home.

Gospel Discussions

The Godhead

Use “Gospel Basics” on page 6 to teach your children about the Godhead. What are the individual roles of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost? How do They work together to accomplish Their purposes? How can your family work with greater unity to accomplish great things?

Family Councils

We have been taught that family councils have always been needed and are eternal (see M. Russell Ballard, “Family Councils,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2016, 63). The article on page 12 gives some guidelines for effective family councils. How might your family practice those?


On page 8, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles shares how he learned an important lesson about drawing close to his son. Consider reading this article with your spouse and discussing how you can better keep your children close to your hearts.

Reaching Out to Refugees

We have been asked to prayerfully serve people who have been displaced, including refugees, living in our communities. Read the article on page 18. Discuss what needs the people in your area may have, and make plans to serve and befriend them.

Come, Follow Me Support

See pages 34–37 for material supporting your family’s Doctrine and Covenants study this month.

Family Study Fun

Spin It for a Minute

Doctrine and Covenants 64:33

  1. Everyone sit in a circle. Discuss some small acts of kindness family members can do for each other.

  2. Place a pencil in the middle of the circle.

  3. Take turns spinning the pencil.

  4. Whoever the pencil points to must act out as many kindnesses as possible in one minute.

  5. Continue until each person has had at least one turn.

Discussion: What acts of kindness can we do for our neighbors, ward members, ourselves? How can even small, simple acts lead to great things?

Follow the Prophet

Doctrine and Covenants 69

Oliver Cowdery was appointed to carry the manuscript of the Book of Commandments to Independence, Missouri. The Lord asked John Whitmer to accompany him (see Doctrine and Covenants 69:2).

  1. Pretend that the Lord commanded you to deliver the manuscript of the Book of Commandments (which later became the Doctrine and Covenants).

  2. What would you need to do to care for this important book?

  3. Think of a time someone trusted you to complete an important task.

  4. What steps did you take to accomplish the task?

Discussion: Why is it important to follow the direction of Church leaders? How can following our prophet and other Church leaders protect us?

Ancestor Treasure Hunt

Doctrine and Covenants 69:8

The Lord asked John Whitmer to collect and record a history of the Church, “writing, copying, selecting, and obtaining all things which shall be for the good of the church, and for the rising generations” (Doctrine and Covenants 69:8). Notice how important record keeping is in the Church.

  1. Look up an ancestor at FamilySearch.org or in other family history records.

  2. Read his or her journals or family members’ memories about this person.

  3. Name some good things about your ancestor.

  4. How are you like your ancestor?

  5. How are these records like a treasure to you?

Discussion: Talk about the things your ancestors accomplished. Discuss how their lives have blessed your life. Share ways your life is like theirs. Talk about ways your life is different than theirs.
