The Promised Blessings of Fasting
July 2022

Local Priesthood Leader Message

The Promised Blessings of Fasting

We can receive the blessings of the law of the fast for ourselves and for others.

I often remember that story in the scriptures about Jesus Christ casting an evil spirit out of a child. Then His disciples, having already unsuccessfully attempted to heal that child, “asked Him privately, why could not we cast him out?

“And He said unto them, this kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.”1

Truly, some blessings are obtained only through fasting.

I first experienced the blessings of someone fasting in my behalf when I was a young single adult investigating the Church. At that time, I was strongly against the Church and argued a lot when I discussed with the missionaries. I thought that was a way for me to avoid being indoctrinated. I was obviously not the golden investigator and did not progress at all. A few weeks later, a series of miraculous events I could not explain happened in my life and made me humble myself and receive a testimony from the Holy Ghost. I later learned that my member friend, who introduced me to the missionaries, had prayed and fasted for me.

Many years later, as a newly called stake president, I was worried about how I could make such important decisions about what was then called a disciplinary action. I decided that each time I convened a disciplinary council, I would be fasting. And each time, I could witness that revelation came with the Spirit testifying to us about the decision we were to make.

In the Church, we are commanded to live the law of the fast and to offer fast offerings. The Lord has established this law to “bless His people and to provide a way for them to serve those in need.”2 Every first Sabbath of the month, we are invited to go without food and drink for a 24-hour period and to give a generous fast offering to the bishop who then uses the money gathered to care for the poor and the needy.

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to visit with a humble mother and her daughter who had particularly difficult financial problems and were asking for assistance from their ward leaders. As I talked with them, I felt inspired to invite them to live the law of fasting. I asked them to read with me the proper way to fast, as written in Isaiah 58. “Is [the fast that I have chosen] not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? When thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh?”3

Then I pointed her to the blessings promised by the Lord Himself: “Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily . . .

“Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer; thou shalt cry, and He shall say, Here I am.”4

As I watched her read the remaining verses, I saw her eyes marvel at the promises. I then asked her if she would like these blessings to be hers. “Yes,” she said. I invited her to fast during the upcoming fasting day and promised her that if she does, she will see these blessings from the Lord in her life.

I know that the Lord keeps His promises, for I have seen them in my life. I have seen blessings bestowed, testimony strengthened, health recovered, revelation revealed, and prayers answered. In addition, there are numerous needy members who have felt relief from the welfare assistance directed by bishops. Surely, the law of fasting blesses both givers and receivers. May we all better live this precious law, receive the wonderful blessings promised by the Lord, and provide blessings to those around us.

Ifanomezana Rasolondraibe was named an Area Seventy in April 2019. He is married to Felambolafotsy Cardiss Keithy Suman Ratsitobaina; they are the parents of three children. Elder and Sister Rasolondraibe reside in Antananarivo, Madagascar.
