Miracles Can Be a Work in Progress
September 2023

Member Voices

Miracles Can Be a Work in Progress

A couple of months ago, we were heading home from Church to go eat lunch. As we were biking, a woman sitting near the roadside, called out to us. We pulled our bikes over to her to see what she needed. She introduced herself as Florence and asked us if our Church prays for people. She was thinking in the ways of healing, not just in general. We explained a little bit about how the Church is run but told her we didn’t really pray about people in Church. She then explained to us that she was a single mother to a young boy.

She said that her son was almost 4 years old and couldn’t walk or talk. She talked about how she had taken him to many different places to try and heal him from his sickness. We listened to her and responded by teaching about priesthood blessings. She then asked us if that was something we could give to her son. We agreed and followed her to her house to meet her little boy.

On arrival, we met her little boy. She told us his name was Edem and showed us a little bit of his skills. He was able to crawl well and was very flexible. He made some noises but could not speak words. She also showed us that he could walk a little if you held his hands. After some talking, we had him sit down on a stool so we could give him a quick priesthood blessing. We blessed him that he would continue to develop and gain strength in the Lord’s due time.

After the blessing, we thanked his mother and told her we would come back soon. Every so often, over the next couple months we checked up on Edem and his mom to see how they were doing. Each time Edem seemed to be just like before, happy and curious. We also noticed that he was able to walk a little easier just by holding onto one of his hands. After a few weeks we visited again. This time around we found Edem playing in the sand with his mom nearby. She seemed happy and told us she wanted to show us something. She had us sit and watch as she stood Edem up on his two feet. After holding him up for a second, to help him balance, she let go. With no help, Edem began to walk! One little step in front of the other, he began to make his way across the sand. We were amazed.

It was so amazing to see this young boy making progress. We knew the Lord was helping Edem.

We know the Lord truly has power and does works wonders for us in these days. Miracles may not be instantaneous, but they are a work in progress.
