Umuahia Nigeria Stake Pioneers’ Day Celebration
September 2023

Member Voices

Umuahia Nigeria Stake Pioneers’ Day Celebration

The Oxford English Dictionary defines a “pioneer” as one who goes before to prepare or open up the way for others to follow.1

President Ezra Taft Benson (1899–1994) once said: “I pay tribute to [the pioneers’] faithful deeds, their noble lives, and their lasting lessons of faith in God, courage, industry, self-reliance, and integrity.

“We stand today as beneficiaries of their priceless heritage to us, a heritage based on the truth that righteousness brings forth the blessings of God”.2

What a blessing that as modern-day pioneers, we are neither required to go through the Rocky Mountains nor compelled to move to the Salt Lake Valley in search of a safe place to worship our God! And because there would always be constant need to point all unto Christ, the Lord has given every member the responsibilities of a pioneer and expects us to show the way of salvation and exaltation unto all.

In January 2022, over 300 Saints gathered at the Umuahia Nigeria Stake centre for an award night organized in deep appreciation for the enormous contributions of the modern-day pioneers and Saints in the stake. As part of that celebration, plaques and letters were presented by the stake presidency after assigned young single adults read out short descriptions of the service lives of the awardees. The choir sang hymns of gratitude, pioneers shared their heartfelt testimonies and stories of consecrated efforts, the less active members and friends were invited and the history of the stake was presented. The level of socialization among Saints was on this great day very historic and all inclusive.

The then-stake president, Samuel Ekpolo, shared thoughts with us on what motivated his presidency to honor these Saints. He said, “The memories of the great sacrifices of the early Saints, the Nauvoo story, their efforts in establishing the kingdom, even the Nauvoo Temple, despite the many persecutions and attacks inspired deep thoughts of how the local Saints sacrifice their little possessions, abandon their personal and family pleasure to build, establish and restore Zion in Umuahia. Although we may not have their names in the worldwide history of the Church, they are indeed the Nauvoo people of our time whose selfless efforts in magnifying their callings and talents are yielding the unstoppable growth of the kingdom of God in Umuahia, a place where Zion hitherto fled but now restored to her beauty. It was only fair that the rising generation in the years to come may one day know by the records made of this celebration, how the Lord honors His faithful servants. Indeed, beyond appreciation for their labors and consecration, that they may be remembered as instruments in the hand of the Lord during our Nauvoo time in gathering Israel from both sides of the veil”.

There was an outpouring of powerful emotions when some awardees were asked how they felt receiving awards. Here are a few of them:

“As a pioneer, I was very excited that for 40 years of my membership, this is the first time I received an award. I found much evidence of the Lord’s blessings resting upon African Saints, many of whom had been so faithful and patient for so long. We are beginning to have a vision of the important role we need to fulfil in the Lord’s kingdom.” — Brother Kalu Ichie

“It was great and an honor receiving such award. It really motivates me to work in the vineyard of the Lord anytime, anyday.” — Brother Ukauwa Chimaobi

“I indeed was speechless, sufficiently humbled and indebtedly grateful that Elohim chose me to be used in promoting music in the Umuahia Nigeria Stake of Zion, the gathering place of the Saints, even Israel.” — Sister Linda Ajah

We are indeed so grateful for the example of the Umuahia Nigeria Stake in aligning its efforts to the Africa West Area goals by celebrating and honoring the Saints. That was a great and faith-promoting Church history activity in our area that blessed lives, reactivated many, provided missionary opportunities and inspired greater commitment among Saints, especially the rising generation who were also awardees.

It is our conviction that the Lord celebrates His pioneers and expects each of us to leave trails of faith, obedience, fortitude, industry, integrity, self-reliance, godliness and consistency along the covenant path. As beneficiaries of pioneers’ priceless heritage to us, Church history provides platform through which we can create, preserve and share our rich history and experiences with the rising generation. It is good that honor be given to whom it is due and more excellent when records of such activities are kept!


  1. Oxford English Dictionary [1989], “Pioneer”.

  2. Ezra Taft Benson, “Our Priceless Heritage,” Ensign, Nov. 1976, 33.
