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(Good) fortune. (1) Son of Jacob by Zilpah (Gen. 30:11). For the blessing pronounced on the tribe of Gad, see Gen. 49:19 and Deut. 33:20–21, where the warlike character of the Gadites is emphasized. The children of Gad along with the Reubenites were owners of cattle, and for that reason grazing land was allotted to them in Canaan (Num. 32:1–5). Their district lay east of the Jordan and contained good arable pasture land, with an abundance of water. It was given them on condition they went armed before their brethren (Num. 32; 34:14; Deut. 3:12–20; 29:8; Josh. 1:12–18; 4:12). Their boundaries are described (Josh. 12:1–6; 13:8–12). After the wars they were sent home with a blessing and built an altar, which caused offense (Josh. 22). The Gadites, who were brave and warlike (1 Chr. 5:11–22; 12:8, 14), were sometimes known as Gileadites (Judg. 5:17; 12:4). Their land was invaded, and they were carried captive by Tiglath-pileser (2 Kgs. 10:33; 1 Chr. 5:26).

(2) The seer. A prophet and faithful friend and adviser of David (1 Sam. 22:5; 2 Sam. 24:11–19; 1 Chr. 21:9–19). He wrote a book of the acts of David (1 Chr. 29:29) and assisted in the arrangement of the music of the house of God (2 Chr. 29:25).