undefined undefined Saul
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Asked. (1) Son of Kish and first king of Israel; his appointment (1 Sam. 9:1–10:27); leads against Nahash (1 Sam. 11); offers sacrifice (13:9); his oath (14:24–45); war against Amalekites (15:1–9); rejected from being king (15:23); dealings with David (16:14–19:10; 23:24–26:25); slays priests of Nob (22:6–19); his death (1 Sam. 28–31; 2 Sam. 1); his burial (2 Sam. 21:12–14). Saul’s downfall shows the consequences of uncontrolled self-will and disobedience to counsel.

(2) The original Jewish name of the Apostle Paul; he is so called up to Acts 13:9.