undefined undefined Haggai
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A prophet in Jerusalem soon after the return from the Exile (Ezra 5:1; 6:14). His prophecy was spoken about 520 B.C. The two chapters of the book of Haggai contain an exhortation to the people to be more zealous about the public worship of God and the rebuilding of His temple. His preaching produced the desired effect (1:14–15). In Hag. 2 he consoles those who were distressed by the mean appearance of the temple in comparison with its former beauty, by the assurance that the day of the Lord is near, and that then the glory of the latter house should be greater than that of the former. But he warns them that just as the touch of the unclean pollutes all about it, so the worldly spirit of the people had brought a curse on all their labor and increase. He looks forward into the future hopefully, certain that in spite of present depression the nation is capable of greater things.